Our program is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion, and fostering a sense of belonging for everyone who enters our program. Entering the program will be a transition for you and your family and we would like to support your success during this transition. In addition to the faculty and staff within the Doctor of Physical Therapy program, Duke also has many resources on campus that can help to support you in your new life in Durham, North Carolina.
Upcoming Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Events at Duke
Anti-Racism at Duke
The Anti-Racism website is Duke’s central repository of information about anti-racism work, including data regularly collected and publicized to monitor progress, details of new and ongoing programs, research highlights, and educational and training materials for wider use across the Duke community.
DiversiTea Newsletter
The intent of the DiversiTea newsletter is to create a sustainable, interactive collection of work that embodies diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Learning Opportunities in the School of Medicine
Explore learning options that have been vetted and approved by the Office of Equity, Diversity & Inclusion as foundational elements for dismantling racism and advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion for leaders in the School of Medicine.
Interfaith Calendar
To assist you in planning your meetings, conferences and events for the new year, we are sharing an interfaith calendar of observances, built primarily from a calendar from the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). This calendar provides a broad but not comprehensive review days of significance within major faith traditions, as well as ethnic and cultural celebrations.
Resources for Institutional Efforts
- Duke Office for Institutional Equity: Resources for Understanding and Confronting Racism and Its Impact
- UT Health San Antonio - Upstander Action Guide
- Midlands Voices - Ways That the Academic Community Can Promote Racial Equality
- “Power, Privilege, and Positionality”: How a Health Professions School Made its Commitment Visible to Students
Resources for Engaging in Anti-Racism Work and Practicing Solidarity
- Bryan Stevenson ’85: ‘We can’t recover from this history until we deal with it’
- 11 Terms You Should Know to Better Understand Structural Racism
- The 21 Day Racial Equity Habit Building Challenge
- We are Living in a Racist Pandemic
- TEDtalks to Help You Understand Racism in America
- Unequal Treatment: Confronting Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Care