Each year, our 200-plus students work with faculty, clinical educators, and staff who are engaged in exploring clinically relevant research to promote the health of patients and populations.
Duke offers a wide range of programs and services that support the optimal development and well-being of students in all aspects of their lives and provide opportunities for students both in and out of the classroom.
There are many ways for students to connect with their classmates and numerous opportunities to engage with the Duke and Durham communities. The activities and positions below represent the involvement of our current students. While this list is not exhaustive, it will give you an idea of the rich opportunities students have while attending Duke DPT.
Student Governance
- Duke DPT student government: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary
Extra-DPT Class Representatives: Graduate and Professional Student Government (GPSG) Representative, Med School Representative
Intra-DPT Class Representatives: Intramural Representative, Webmaster and Technology Representative, Blood Drive Coordinator, Class Historian, Philanthropy Chair, Community Service Chair
Academies: Aquatics, Pediatrics, Leadership & Innovation, Pelvic Health, and more
Committees: Student Inclusion, Philanthropy & Service, Fundraising, and Wellness
Community Service and Volunteer Opportunities
Explore some of the programs and initiatives where Duke and Durham have partnered to advance the quality of life in the Bull City.
Intramural Sports
Intramural sports include soccer, basketball, volleyball, flag football, softball, racquetball, and ultimate Frisbee.
Duke Groups
Duke Groups is one-stop shopping for students who want to get involved with Duke-sponsored student organizations and causes. Among the 150-plus graduate and professional student groups, you can find extra-curricular options such as: Gay-Straight Alliance, Prayer Group, Carolina Hurricanes, Duke Club Field Hockey, North Carolina Football Club, American Dance Festival/Dance Medicine, Journal Club, Global Health Trips
Student Affairs
Student Affairs is a great place to start when looking for interesting events and activities.