The Doctor of Physical Therapy program is academically demanding and all applicants must successfully complete prerequisite courses prior to matriculation. Please keep in mind academic records/transcripts must be verified by the Physical Therapy Centralized Admissions Service (PTCAS). This process can take four to five weeks.
- All prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of C or better
- Pass/Fail will be accepted for courses taken during the pandemic
- Each prerequisite course must fulfill the 3-semester or 5-quarter credit hour requirement
- Anatomy and physiology courses must be taken within five years of application
Evolutionary and comparative anatomy courses will NOT be accepted
- Labs are not required but are recommended
- Introductory courses should be reviewed by the committee to determine acceptance. Please send a copy of the course syllabus to dptadmis@dm.duke.edu
- AP/IB credits will be accepted IF they were accepted by your undergraduate institution
- Prerequisite courses taken online and/or at a community college are accepted as long as the institution is accredited by one of the following agencies: MSCHE, HLC, NEASC, NECHE, NWCCU, SACS, WASC, or ATS.
Get answers to common questions about prerequisites on FAQ.
Please look over each course requirement below.
Required Courses
Semester/Quarter Credit Hours: 3/5
Course Topic: Human or Vertebrate Anatomy
Course Description: Recommended courses focus on the musculoskeletal system and its neural control:
- Muscle origins
- Muscle insertions
- Muscle actions
- Innervation patterns
Courses based on human cadaver dissections or prosected human preparations are recommended.
Anatomy courses taken in sequence (e.g. A&P I and II usually offered by a biology department) or anatomy courses taken separately (usually offered by an exercise science, kinesiology, or other allied health department) will be accepted.
Semester/Quarter Credit Hours: 3/5
Course Topic: Human or Vertebrate Physiology
Course Description: Recommended courses focus on:
- Striated muscle
- Cardiac muscle
- Cardiovascular Regulation
- Respiration & Gas Exchange
- Hormonal Control
- Thermoregulation
- Acid-Base Homeostasis
Physiology courses taken in sequence (e.g. A&P I and II usually offered by a biology department) or physiology courses taken separately (usually offered by an exercise science, kinesiology, or other allied health department) will be accepted.
Semester/Quarter Credit Hours: 6/9
Course Topic: General or Upper Level Biology
Course Description: A general biology course and/or upper-level courses such as embryology, histology, immunology, microbiology, molecular, genetics, cell, exercise physiology (if not used to fulfill physiology prerequisite), etc. will be accepted.
This prerequisite can be fulfilled by:
1. Taking 2 general biology courses (BIO I/II)
2. Taking 2 upper-level biology courses
3. Taking 1 general biology course and 1 upper-level course.
All courses must be taken within a Biology Department (with the exception of exercise physiology).
Semester/Quarter Credit Hours: 6/9
Course Topic: General or Upper Level Chemistry
Course Description: A general chemistry course and/or upper-level courses such as biochemistry, inorganic, or organic will be accepted.
This prerequisite can be fulfilled by:
1. Taking 2 general chemistry courses (CHEM I/II)
2. Taking 2 upper-level chemistry courses
3. Taking 1 general chemistry course and 1 upper-level chemistry course
All courses must be taken within a Chemistry Department.
Semester/Quarter Credit Hours: 6/9
Course Topic: General Physics
Course Description: Recommended courses focus on:
- Light, Heat, Electricity, Mechanics, Sound, etc.
A biomechanics course can be used to replace the Physics II course.
This prerequisite can be fulfilled by taking a Physics I and Physics II course sequence. Courses must be taken within a Physics Department.
Semester/Quarter Credit Hours: 3/5
Course Topic: Statistics
Course Description: Recommended courses include: biostatistics, business statistics, psychology statistics, general statistics, biometry, quantitative analysis, research methods/design, or hypothesis testing.
Calculus and non-calculus-based statistics courses will be accepted. All courses must be taken within a Mathematics or Psychology department.
Semester/Quarter Credit Hours: 6/9
Course Topic: General or Upper Level Psychology
Course Description: Recommended courses include: general, abnormal, child, developmental, biological, social, sports, etc.
This prerequisite can be fulfilled by:
1. Taking 2 general psychology courses
2. Taking 2 upper-level psychology courses
3. Taking general and upper-level psychology courses.
These courses should be taken within a Psychology Department; however, sports psychology will be accepted.