DPT Newsroom

Faculty In Focus - Jamie Greco, PT, DPT, EdD

Jamie L. Greco, PT, DPT, EdD, is an assistant professor in Orthopaedic Surgery, co-director of Clinical Education, and coordinator of the Faculty Development Residency program.

What excites you about your role at Duke?
I love everything about being a part of Duke DPT.  

Faculty in Focus: Chad Cook, PT, PhD, MBA, FAPTA

Dr. Chad Cook is one of the most prolific researchers in the PT profession. Featured in media around the world, he's spoken to groups in 39 countries. He recently hit a new milestone by publishing his 350th paper, a groundbreaking piece that defines an often-used term that's been shrouded in gray matter. 

Cleveland Clinic Scholar to Join DPT Faculty

Joshua Johnson, DPT, PhD, assistant professor of medicine and director of Outcomes Research for the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the Cleveland Clinic, will soon join the faculty of the Doctor of Physical Therapy division. 

He begins on January 1, 2024, and will be an assistant professor of Orthopaedic Surgery and Clinical Research Lead for the Department of Rehabilitation Services for Duke University Health System.