MD Program News

Root Causes Food Program Seeks Room to Grow

On Saturday mornings, a group of Duke University School of Medicine students who are in training to one day treat cancer or perform surgery gather to ensure that those in the Durham County community have enough nutritious food to eat.

The Fresh Produce Program, part of Root Causes , a medical student organization striving to address social drivers of health, delivers food twice a month to families living in a county where 1 in 10 people face food insecurity. The number jumps to 3 in 10 among non-White men.

Study Links Cannabis and Tobacco to Increased Pain

A study by Duke University School of Medicine reveals a complex cycle between substance use and pain.  

The study, published Aug. 21 in the journal Pain, examined data from 32,000 adults and found a two-way relationship that evolves over time: pain can drive substance use, and substance use can worsen pain. This cycle can result in a perpetual pain loop for the one in five Americans who experience chronic pain.  

Easing the Way for Refugee Patients

Through internship with a Durham health clinic, students learn the challenges immigrants face in navigating the U.S. health system – and help patients solve them

Duke Medical Students Celebrate Match Day 2024

Each year, fourth-year medical students across the country view the third week of March as the beginning of their careers in medicine. Match Day, created in 1952, is a event organized by the National Resident Match Program during which students in the United States are "matched" with residency and fellowship training programs throughout the country.