The LCME accreditation process is a peer-reviewed study conducted to determine whether a medical education program meets established standards. This quality assurance process is an opportunity for self-study and reflection that can foster improvements to our programs and institution. Established medical education programs typically undergo the self-study process and a full survey visit every eight years. The LCME may request a full survey visit in less than eight years if there are questions about the sustainability or quality of the medical education program. Following review of the survey team report and findings from each full survey visit, the LCME may require one or more follow-up activities (e.g., limited survey visits, consultations, status reports) if it determines that the program is not in compliance with one or more accreditation standards or has unsatisfactory performance in one or more accreditation elements, or if the LCME has identified areas in compliance that require monitoring where the final outcome could result in noncompliance with one or more accreditation standards
LCME Plans - Preparing for Fall 2024 Site Visit

LCME Action Team |
Prepare DCI |
Identify members of Self-Study Task Force |
Identify members of student ISA team |
Review, finalize, and submit survey package |

Self-Study Task Force
Conduct self-study |
Generate summary report |

Student ISA Team |
Conduct Independent Student Analysis |
Generate summary report |
February - August, 2023
LCME Action Team Prepares Data Collection Instrument
February • Identify Self-Study Task Force
March - April • Appoint members to self-study subcommittees
May - June • Identify team of students to conduct ISA
July - August • Students prepare survey, Receive DCI

September 2023 - March 2024
LCME Action Team supports Self-Study Task Force and updates DCI as possible
September '23 - January '24 • Self-study subcommittees review and analyze relevant sections of DCI
September '23 • ISA Survey Open
October '23 - January '24 • Students compile ISA survey data and generate summary report
February '24 - March '24 • Self-Study Executive Committee finalizes summary report

April - October 2024
April '24 - May '24 • LCME Action Team supports Self-Study Task Force, Self Study Executive Committee finalizes summary report.
June '24 - July '24 • Review and submit survey package
August '24 - September '24 • Finalize survey package online
October '24 • LCME survey team arrives

The LCME will assess the school for compliance with the 12 accreditation standards through review of the DCI, student satisfaction data, the self-study reports, and a site visit. The site visit will occur October 28-30, 2024. During the site visit, the LCME will conduct a series of group interviews based on topics/themes. It is critical to Duke’s accreditation that we comply with these requirements and use the group interviews to effectively communicate about our school.
We continued our preparation for the official site visit by inviting external experts (other educators, not LCME members) to conduct a mock three-day survey visit this May. Thank you so much to our interviewees for taking the time to participate. This process allowed us to receive valuable feedback on Duke’s strengths and opportunities, and our ability to communicate effectively about them. The engagement and expertise of our interviewees were recognized by our site visitors, and it is clear that Duke University School of Medicine does outstanding work. While the external experts do not provide us a written assessment of compliance, their feedback allowed us to identify where we can continue to improve. If you participated and have additional feedback to share with us, we would greatly appreciate it.
After the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) conducts their site visit, the medical school receives a report that summarizes the findings of the survey team. The report is then reviewed by the LCME’s Accreditation Committee, which makes the final decision regarding the school’s accreditation status. The report includes an evaluation of the school’s compliance with the LCME’s accreditation standards, as well as recommendations for improvement. The school is required to submit a written response to the report, which is reviewed by the Accreditation Committee. If the school is found to be in compliance with the LCME’s accreditation standards, it will receive full accreditation for a period of eight years. If the school is found to be in partial compliance, it may receive provisional accreditation for a period of two years. If the school is found to be out of compliance, it may be placed on probation or have its accreditation withdrawn.
We will communicate the results of our accreditation status once received.