Scholarship Opportunities

Students interested in scholarships not listed below are asked to email with the scholarship’s web link or provide them with literature on the requested program. There is a new application process which will open December 1st and students will receive notification.

The Sarnoff and NIEHS require the student to train elsewhere. Overseas opportunities such as the VECD Fogarty Global Health Fellowship may be available for students meeting academic requirements. Students should consult their Advisory Deans to discuss their options. Scholarships are subject to change.
A variety of research scholarship programs are available during the basic science elective year. Most of these require a full 12 months of research. More detailed information can be found on the program's website. Students can email for more information.

Financial Aid

Need-based financial aid is available during the third year basic science elective and fourth year clinical elective years. A student receiving a research scholarship may also qualify for need-based financial aid funds.

Your award will incorporate the scholarship along with your financial aid award in accordance with NIH, Duke SOM policies and federal financial aid regulations. Duke University School of Medicine policy dictates that all external scholarships replace need-based loans first. At such time that these loans are replaced, then the grant portion of your aid award will be reduced. This includes any merit scholarships as well. Total aid from all sources cannot exceed the established and Board approved cost of education.

Travel & Poster Funding

The Duke SOM Medical Education Administration has established two funding policies to support students presenting their Third-Year research projects. These funds help offset a portion of the costs incurred for travel or poster printing when students are invited to present at local, national, or international seminars, meetings, or conferences, as well as for participation in the Annual Medical Student Research Symposium.

All students who meet the eligibility requirements may apply for either the Travel Award or Poster Funding. For more detailed information, please refer to the Third Year Canvas Course under the 'Financial Aid' module.

Other Opportunities

The Office for Research & Innovation provides this extensive, on-line database of internal and external funding opportunities as a resource for the entire Duke University research community.

Duke Research Funding Portal


Internal Scholarships             External Scholarships 


Third year Students Ability to Enroll in Coursework