Faculty Engagement in the LCME Process

A successful LCME accreditation process depends on the efforts of the entire medical school community. Faculty engagement is critical to the success of this process. Faculty members are encouraged to participate in the self-study process and provide feedback on the School of Medicine’s educational programs.

Over 100 faculty, staff, and students participated in the self-study process in subcommittees from September to December 2023. The School of Medicine will continue to engage in an intense period of self-study and evaluation to highlight our strengths and identify areas for growth.

The Executive Self Study Committee worked from February to April 2024. They took the assessment and recommendations from the subcommittees to finalize the self-study of our school.  The primary strengths included: institutional resources, faculty expertise and teaching, research opportunities, CQI approach in education, and student support.  The primary opportunities included: mistreatment/learning environment, student financial supports, and access to student health/mental health services. All of the primary opportunities have already shown improvement through multiple interventions, a great testimony to our dedication to continuous improvement. 

In the late fall of 2023, we completed the Independent Student Analysis (survey of students required by the LCME on their satisfaction with the institution).  We greatly appreciate our student leaders on conducting this important work, and allowed us to identify many strengths.  We have worked together to address the remaining opportunities.  In April 2024, we conducted a follow up student satisfaction survey (“spring survey”) to assess if our interventions have been effective. We are very pleased to show many areas of improvement in the opportunities identified on the ISA.  Congratulations to the many faculty and staff who worked with our students to continue our growth. 

Once again, thank you for your active engagement in the LCME accreditation process.  Please reach out with any questions or feedback – we are here to support you.