Student Resources


The School of Medicine uses the learning management system Canvas.  This system was chosen to meet the unique needs of the Duke curriculum.  It contains the student daily calendar and all materials needed for each day’s events. 


Duke Medical Student Study Preparation

Subscription Plan



Matriculation Year

MD Year

UWorld Step 2CK QBank for SHELF and Step
2CK prep

UWorld Step 1 QBank
Step 1 prep

NBME Voucher for Shelf exam self-assessment




* 180-day subscription if Step 1 exam scheduled between MS1 and MS2 years




730-day subscription


♦ Self-assessment for each clerkship with an NBME exam




* 180-day subscription for those students who did NOT receive a subscription in their MS1 or MS2 year


2021 and prior

MS3+ and MS4

* Assessed on individual basis based on prior subscriptions and/or reimbursements

Assessed on individual basis based on prior subscriptions and/or reimbursements




Total Subscription Plan Value:






This amount will be paid directly by the OCA to the subscription services
♦ This amount will be paid directly by OCA to NBME for vouchers, which will be distributed by the OCA student reimbursement team

  • If you have a question about a reimbursement request for study prep materials due to a special circumstance, please email Please allow approximately 24 – 48 hours for a response.



What additional study aid materials are available at no additional cost?

Study Materials:

  • Book Exchange GuidePrep with specialty specific resources by reviewing the books we have for core rotations! 
  • AccessMedicine  also has flashcard content and multiple choice quizzes for their materials! There are over 5,000 multiple choice questions covering books like Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine. Create a free MyAccess account to track your progress. 
  • AccessMedicine CaseFiles  has the full collection of basic sciences and clinical rotation cases, there are review questions for all cases that can be accessed with your free MyAccess account!
  • LWW Clerkship create a free account and take advantage of thousands of multiple choice questions for topics across anatomy, diagnosis, internal medicine and more! Quizzes allow you to customize how much time you receive per question and focus on new material or review. You can also review your quiz history over time.


As of August 2024, we have completed our transition from a reimbursement-based system to a 100% subscription-based system.  This transition began three years ago and was based on student feedback expressing concern over the additional financial burden a reimbursement-based system put on many students.

Between 75-80% of our surveyed students use UWorld tools for their study preparation.  Based on this, we believe the institutional purchase from UWorld, resulting in more resources with less burden on the reimbursement process, is most advantageous to the largest number of students.   

All MS1s will be eligible to receive access to one (1) 180-day subscription to UWorld QBank questions bank for the Step 1 exam preparations. The full cost of these subscriptions will be paid by medical education administration.  Management and dissemination of these subscriptions will be done via the OCA student reimbursement team.  Further details will be provided at a later date on how to access the subscription. Students will have the option to opt-out of the subscription if they plan to take the Step 1 exam in their MS3 year and will be allowed to opt in for the same 180-day subscription at that time.

All rising MS2s will receive access to a two (2) year subscription to UWorld QBank questions bank for SHELF and Step 2CK exam preparations.  In addition, MS2s will receive one (1) NBME voucher for a self-assessment for each clerkship with an NBME exam.  These vouchers are valid for one (1) year.  If not used within one-year, a credit will be issued back to Duke and a new voucher will be provided.  Management and dissemination of these subscriptions and vouchers will be done via the OCA student reimbursement team.  Further details will be provided at a later date on how to access these subscriptions and vouchers. 

All rising MS3s will receive access to a 180-day subscription to UWorld Step 1 QBank for Step 1 prep exam preparations. The full cost of these subscriptions will be paid by medical education administration. Students who have taken the Step 1 exam and/or have already been included in the group subscription for Step 1 study prep materials will not be eligible for this group subscription.  As a rising MS3, you should have received access to a two (2) year subscription to UWorld QBank questions bank for SHELF and Step 2CK exam preparations at the start of your MS2 year.   

Requests will be assessed on individual basis based on prior subscriptions and/or reimbursements