The following is a list of internal scholarships available to Duke Third Year Medical Students. For general questions, please contact For scholarship specific questions, please contact the assigned coordinator.
The general deadline for application submissions is March 15, 2025.
Please be sure to review scholarship specific deadlines and additional requirements.
Application Process and Requirements
The following scholarships have additional individualized requirements:
- Barr-Spach Medicine and Engineering Scholarship
- Duke CTSA Pre-Doctoral Scholarship
- Duke Global Health Institute
- Duke-Singapore Student Scholar Fellowship
- Margolis Scholars in Medicine
More details regarding these requirements can be found by reviewing each scholarship's information individually.
Please click on the link above to access the necessary document(s). Documents must be uploaded within the application.
Please note: There are no templates for the Duke Global Health Institute and Duke-Singapore Student Scholar Fellowship awards. Applicants must generate the documentation needed to upload within the application.
The Barr-Spach Medicine and Engineering Scholarship is awarded to third-year Duke medical students who have been accepted into the MD-MEng dual degree program as they complete a master's degree from Duke's Pratt School of Engineering. It will assist recipients by providing support toward tuition and fees in the third year. Students supported by this endowment will be designated Barr-Spach Medicine-Engineering Fellows.
Discover the various disciplines available at Master's Degrees | Duke Pratt School of Engineering.
Maynard Ramsey III, M'69, G'75, a grateful student, established the Barr-Spach Medicine and Engineering Scholarship in honor of his Duke mentors, Roger C. Barr and Madison S. Spach, whose careers span the two disciplines.
Roger C. Barr is a professor of biomedical engineering and an associate professor of pediatrics. His research has involved mathematical analysis and computer simulations of electrically active tissue-particularly in and around the heart-and the development of computer systems for simultaneous high-speed recordings of cardiac voltage channels.
Madison S. Spach is a James B. Duke Professor Emeritus of medicine and Professor Emeritus of pediatrics in the School of Medicine. A renowned pediatric cardiologist and scientist, his research examined electrophysiology and the mechanisms behind cardiac dysrhythmias. On the faculty from 1960-1996, Spach developed Duke's training program in pediatric cardiology.
Award: Covers partial tuition and fees for the Master of Engineering program in the third year of the MD program. See Tuition & Financial Aid on the Engineering Master's Programs website for tuition and fees. Students supported by this endowment will be designated Barr-Spach Medicine-Engineering Fellows
Eligibility: The Barr-Spach Medicine and Engineering Scholarship is awarded to third-year Duke medical students who have been accepted into the MD-MEng dual degree program as they complete a master's degree from Duke's Pratt School of Engineering.
Additional Application Requirements:
- Submit a Pratt application for a participating Master of Engineering program and indicate Dual/Concurrent Degree Option MD: Duke Medical School. Application information, including requirements to apply, is available here.
- Applicants should also complete this Word Document providing a statement of submission and upload it within the application.
Please contact Brad Fox to express interest in the scholarship in advance of submitting a formal application.
For Master's Degree application questions, please contact:
Dr. Donald B. Hackel served as a Professor of Pathology at Duke University from 1960 to 1991, during which he distinguished himself as a leading cardiac pathologist and a pioneering researcher in myocardial ischemia. His dedication to education left a lasting impact on many students and faculty, who remember him fondly for his humility, compassion, quiet dignity, and kindness—qualities that serve as a model for all physicians.
In 1989, shortly before his retirement, the Donald B. Hackel Fellowship in Cardiovascular Pathology was established to support a year of specialized training in pathology for Duke medical students after their second year. This fellowship was made possible in part by a generous charitable gift annuity created by Dr. and Mrs. Hackel. The Department of Pathology extends its heartfelt gratitude to Donald and Irene Hackel, their children Connie Katz, Dr. Andrea Hackel, and Richard Hackel, as well as extended family members, including nephew Bill Lebow, for their generous contributions. The Hackel Fellowship will continue to foster the training of future pathologists for many years to come.
Award: $20,000, divided by semester and applied as credits to the student's Duke University Bursar account (Funding amount is subject to change each year)
- A Duke third-year medical student that must work with a primary faculty mentor from the Department of Pathology whose research focuses on the cardiovascular or cardiothoracic organ systems.
- In some cases, secondary faculty members in Pathology may also be considered, depending on the specific scope of the proposed project.
For more information, please visit the Donald B. Hackel Fellowship webpage or contact Shannon J McCall, M.D. or Amy Orange
The Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences is pleased to offer a competitive third-year medical student scholarship, the Dr. Bernard J. Carroll Research Scholarship in Psychiatry, for a student conducting research under the direction of a faculty member in the Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences.
Award: $15,000 for a 10-month research experience
Eligibility: Must be a Third-Year student conducting research under the mentorship of a full-time faculty within the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences.
Requirements: The student will be encouraged to publish their research findings in peer-reviewed journals
For more information, please visit the Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences webpage or contact Chris Marx, MD and copy Julie Penzer, MD.
This is a two-year scholarship funded by the Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA). CTSA scholars will complete two years of mentored clinical research and complete the Master of Health Sciences in Clinical Research (through the Duke Clinical Research Training Program). CTSA scholars will graduate from Duke Medical School a year late.
Award: The Duke CTSA scholarship provides full tuition for scholars to complete the Master’s program, a stipend for each full year of study, and additional funds that may be applied towards insurance costs, research expenses, and travel expenses to scientific meetings.
- A doctoral student in good standing from the Duke University School of Medicine
- Participants must not complete their doctoral degrees prior to completing the CTSA Scholarship period
- A U.S. citizen, permanent resident, or non-citizen national of the United States (e.g. American Samoan); individuals on temporary visas are not eligible
- Conduct research of interest; however, research done for the CTSA scholarship must be clinical and/or translational in nature.
Additional Application Requirements:
- Name, position/title, and email address of three (3) individuals other than your primary mentor who are knowledgeable about your accomplishments and/or research interests.
- A brief description clarifying the applicant’s role on the study.
- Applicants may also provide up to two (2) additional pages of information to the proposed research program question in the application.
Applicants should use this form which includes all additional application requirements and upload it within the scholarship application.
For additional information, please contact Stephanie Molner.
The Duke Global Health Institute offers funding that supports a range of research activities, including community-based projects, laboratory or clinical work in diverse settings such as hospitals, community-based clinics, or service organizations. The primary funding is intended for one year, though students who extend their research into a second year may reapply for additional support, with priority given to those completing their initial funding period. This scholarship aims to enhance students' engagement with global health challenges and contribute to impactful research in underserved areas.
Award: $15,000 grant funding. Priority consideration for students enrolled in the Global Health Study Program.
- Funding is available to support third year students engaged in research focused on global health disparity.
- There is no geographic limitation
Additional Application Requirements:
- Site Based Mentor Letter of Support (if applicant's site-based mentor is different from their Duke Mentor)
- Detailed Budget (Click here for form)
For additional information, please visit the Global Health Institute webpage or contact Lysa MacKeen.
Application Deadline: March 30, 2025 (NOTE DUE DATE)
- The deadline may change depending on the selection process for DIHI Request for Application (RFA) projects.
The Duke Institute for Health Innovation (DIHI) is a platform and resource for Duke University and Duke Health faculty, staff, trainees, and students to advance transformative innovations in health and healthcare delivery. The Clinical Research and Innovation Scholarship (CRIS) program was created in 2014 to pioneer transformative leadership and to prepare medical students to lead innovations in health care. In 2020, DIHI published outcomes of the scholarship that showed that a diverse cohort of medical students achieved impressive academic outcomes, significantly contributed to the development and implementation of innovations in healthcare, and deepened understanding across a range of domains related to health innovation and AI. Third year Duke University School of Medicine students who join the DIHI CRIS program play a pivotal role through active participation in developing, testing and evaluating DIHI supported pilot projects that are rigorously selected through competitive requests for applications. DIHI CRIS participants work closely with senior health system leaders and will be expected to attend regular meetings with DIHI team members and advisors. The student will be included in discussions relating to innovation across the four DIHI pillars (implementation and health delivery science, health technology innovation, health leadership development, and applied health policy) and will represent DIHI at events and conferences outside of Duke related to healthcare innovation. DIHI CRIS participants are expected to spend a minimum of 10 months working full-time on a DIHI project.
Award: Between $10,000 and $15,000 per student per year
Eligibility: Third year medical student who agrees to spend a minimum of 10 months working full-time on a DIHI project.
Applicant Requirements:
- An updated CV
- Cover letter describing their interest in joining the DIHI CRIS program
- A 2–3 page research project description
- A letter of support from a DIHI project lead who is eligible to serve as a third-year mentor.
- The research project description must describe a set of activities that the medical student will lead related to a DIHI supported project that was selected through the annual innovation competition.
- Students who propose new innovation projects or existing projects that are not actively supported by DIHI will be ineligible for the scholarship.
For additional information, please visit DIHI Scholarship Program website or contact: Mark Sendak or Suresh Balu.
OPSD awards the Duke Physician Scientist Institutional Award BWF Research Fellowship for Medical Students scholarship. This one-year scholarship is designed to encourage rising third-year medical students to undertake a basic/bench research project at Duke University, with preference given to those who plan to commit to completing a second third year in a research laboratory.
Award: One $10,000 award given to first third-year medical students, and a $25,000 award given to second third-year medical students
Eligibility: Rising third-year, or second third-year medical students who have identified a basic/bench research mentor
Additional Applicant Requirements:
- Applicants must provide the name, position/title, and email address of three individuals other than their primary mentor who are knowledgeable about your accomplishments and/or research interests.
- Applicants should use this form which includes all additional application requirements and upload it within the scholarship application.
For more information, visit the Third Year Scholarship page of the OPSD website or contact
Application Deadline: March 1, 2025 (NOTE DUE DATE)
Duke-Singapore Student Scholars are expected to spend 10 months doing mentored clinical or basic science research in Singapore, a country on the cutting edge of biomedical and health services. This research will take up around 80% of the scholars’ time. The scholars are also expected to serve on various curriculum committees and engage fully with the Duke-NUS student community. Ideally, there would be a paired mentorship collaboration between the Duke-NUS mentors and Duke mentors for the scholars.
Award: Duke-Singapore Student Scholars will receive:
- SGD20,000 tuition support which will be paid directly to Duke University
- Two round trip economy (coach) class airline tickets from Duke University/home city to Singapore (one for initial arrival in Singapore and one for home/holiday trip).
- The maximum amount will be set annually, based on prevailing lowest airfares at the time of the award. If the tickets are not purchased directly by Duke University or Duke-NUS Medical School, the price must be lower than the quote provided by the NUS travel agent. Students will need to submit original receipts for reimbursement.
- Monthly stipend of SGD3,200 (subject to change) for the required period of the 3rd Year research, or up to 10 months, whichever is shorter.
- Any mandatory NUS-related charges including but not limited to the following:
- Student Services Fee S$ 80.56 per semester
- Health Services Fee S$ 132.50 per semester
- Mandatory NUS-related charges are subject to revision. Please check here for current information.
- Temporary living expenses to assist the move to Singapore will be reimbursed up to SGD80 per day for up to two weeks. (These amounts are stated as Singapore dollars; see for conversion.) Support will be for the 10 months of their research project.
Eligibility: Students who have successfully completed Second year at Duke SOM
~ Note that the award is subject to prevailing travel advisories in view of COVID-19
Additional Applicant Requirements:
- Write a brief (1-2 page) essay on "How, if at all, will being in Singapore enhance my research?"
The scholarship will not be re-awarded to existing recipients of the scholarship, in the event that they extend their period of research beyond 10 months.
For additional information, please contact Sulochana Naidoo, Ph.D.
Dr. Eugene A. Stead, Jr. served as Chairman of the Department of Medicine at DUMC from 1947-1967. The Stead Scholarships, funded by donations from grateful patients and former colleagues, are the oldest of the Duke intramural medical student research scholarships. This endowment was established in 1988 to support a student in basic cardiovascular research.
Funding is for one year. Stead Scholars who wish to do a second research year may apply for an additional year of funding
Award: Typically, up to $35,000 for a first research year; $25,000 for a second research year
Eligibility: Focus on third-year students who are working with mentors with a primary appointment in the Department of Medicine, or with basic science mentors.
Requirements: Standard application requirements, nothing additional required.
For more information, visit the Eugene A. Stead, Jr page or contact Rhonda Bartley via email or phone: (919) 668-7174.
A call for applications will be sent in the Fall of the MS2 year. Application deadline is October 1st.
The Eva J. Salber Award is awarded to a third-year medical student(s) to investigate and improve the health of a defined, disadvantaged population group. The award is named for Eva J. Salber, MD, an early pioneer in Duke's efforts to partner with Durham County on community health projects. The award is granted annually on a competitive basis. Awardees are chosen by a selection committee
Award: It provides financial support of $5,000 for students working to address an unmet need in the community. Up to 50% of the awards may be used to defray tuition expenses and expenses incurred while carrying out the project.
Eligibility: A Third-year medical student who will investigate and improve the health of a defined, disadvantaged population group.
For more information, please visit the website or contact Gretchen Oakley.
The Gynecologic Cancer Research Fellowship is offered to third-year Duke University Medical Students annually. This award is intended to support students who choose to spend their third year involved in some aspect of gynecologic cancer research under the supervision of a Duke Gynecologic Cancer Program faculty member. This includes research in ovarian, uterine and cervical cancer. The Fellowship carries an annual stipend of $10,000. This includes $5,000 directly to the student, $2,500 for research expenses and $2,500 for travel to meetings to present their research.
For additional information, please contact Laura Havrilesky.
The Duke-Margolis Institute for Health Policy offers a one-year scholarship to third-year Duke medical students. Applicants must demonstrate a strong interest in and leadership potential for the field of health policy and commit to conducting a Scholarly Research Project on a topic at the intersection of health policy and clinical practice. Scholarly Research Projects are completed under the mentorship of a faculty member affiliated with Duke-Margolis. Applicants must identify an approved mentor who is affiliated with Duke-Margolis and a research project with a health policy focus before applying.
Margolis Scholars in Medicine also participate in the Margolis Scholars Program. The program is designed to prepare promising students with the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities to improve health, health equity, and the value of health care and become the next generation of health care leaders in practice and research. The program was named in honor of Robert Margolis, M.D., the founder of Duke-Margolis, a pioneer of innovative integrated care delivery models, and a Duke SOM alum.
All Margolis Scholars are expected to engage in Margolis Scholars program activities, such as health policy coursework, training events in the fall and spring semesters, Margolis research seminars, and small group activities with interdisciplinary groups of students. Scholars will also become part of the broader Duke-Margolis Institute community of faculty, research staff, and external experts working on the cutting edge of health policy and health care transformation.
Award: Margolis Scholars in Medicine will receive a financial award of $12,500 and will also be eligible for up to $6,000 in additional funding for educational, research, and professional development activities.
Additional Application Requirements - Please submit short answers to the following questions:
- Margolis Scholars Interest Statement (300 words or less)
- What interests you about the Margolis Scholars program, and how would the program benefit you during your Duke program of study and with regard to your immediate and long-term career goals?
- Health Policy Training Ideas (200 words or less)
- As a Scholar, you will have access to funds to support additional training in health policy to complement your degree program. What kind of activities would you want to pursue (in research or professional development, for example), and how might you use these funds? (If accepted, it's OK to change your mind; you will not be held to the initial idea(s) you include here).
- Health Policy Event Idea (200 words or less)
- If you were in charge of organizing a Duke-Margolis event related to a current health policy topic that interests you, what topic would you choose, why would you choose it, and how might you thoughtfully design such an event?
- Personal Uniqueness Statement (150 words or less)
- The Margolis Scholars are a vibrant and multidisciplinary community. What will you bring to this group? In contrast to questions that ask you to describe your skills, accomplishments, and future goals, we are asking you here to discuss your personal uniqueness.
- OPTIONAL - Barriers Discussion (150 words or less)
- We believe that students of diverse backgrounds will positively contribute to the intellectual, social, and cultural enrichment of the Duke-Margolis Institute. This section is optional, but it provides you with the opportunity to discuss how you may have navigated any economic, social, cultural, educational, or other barriers, and what you have learned from those experiences.
- OPTIONAL - Anything Else (150 words or less)
- We recognize your responses to the questions we have asked on this application may not capture everything important about you as it relates to your suitability for the Margolis Scholars program. This section is optional, but you may use it to tell us anything else you would like us to know about you.
Applicants should use this form which includes all additional application requirements and upload it within the scholarship application.
For more information, please visit the Margolis Scholars webpage or contact Tiffany Chan.
A call for applications will be sent in the Fall of the MS2 year. Application deadline is October 1st.
The Michael R. Nathan Memorial Fund is awarded to a third-year medical student who undertakes a project in community health, occupational health, or international health. The fund is named for Michael R. Nathan, MD, a 1973 graduate of Duke University School of Medicine. The award is made annually on a competitive basis. Projects carried on under the award will be supervised by the Department of Family Medicine and Community Health.
Award: Funding is $5,000 and awarded to a deserving third-year medical student who undertakes a project in community health, occupational health, or international health. A portion of the award (up to 50 percent) can be used to offset tuition expenses and the rest will be used for travel and project expenses.
Eligibility: A Third-year medical student who undertakes a project in community health, occupational health, or international health.
For more information, please visit the website or contact Gretchen Oakley
The Office of Physician-Scientist Development hosts the Poindexter Scholars in Basic Sciences Program, which is designed to encourage rising third year medical students to participate in research projects under the guidance of basic science faculty members in the School of Medicine. This program is focused on basic science research, and priority will be given to those who identify laboratories in basic science departments, though applicants doing basic research in Clinical departments are also encouraged to apply. This program is made possible through the generosity of Dr. John Poindexter, an alumnus of the School of Medicine.
Award: One $10,000 award given to first third-year medical students, and a $25,000 award given to second third-year medical students
Eligibility: Rising third-year, or second third-year medical students who have identified a basic/bench research mentor. Priority will be given to those who identify laboratories in basic science departments, though applicants doing basic research in Clinical departments are also encouraged to apply. Applicants must plan to research in a laboratory at Duke University to be eligible for this award.
- Applicants must provide the name, position/title, and email address of three individuals other than their primary mentor who are knowledgeable about your accomplishments and/or research interests.
- Applicants should use this form which includes all additional application requirements and upload it within the scholarship application.
For more information, visit the Third Year Scholarship page of the OPSD website or contact
This scholarship fund was created to honor the legacy of Dr. Ralph Randal Bollinger, a surgical leader whose passion for science and surgery has profoundly impacted medical research and education at Duke University.
Award: $3,000 - $15,000
Eligibility: A third-year medical student who agrees to conduct research in the Department of Surgery, focusing specifically on general or thoracic surgery, and will receive mentorship from a faculty member within the department.
Applicant Requirements:
- Students are expected to publish their findings in peer-reviewed journals
- Students must present their research at regional or national scientific meetings
For additional information, please contact Thomas Ben Latta
The Duke Center for Personalized Health Care (DCPHC) in collaboration with the Duke Cancer Institute (DCI) is offering a one-year scholarship to support research regarding new approaches to health care delivery that are personalized and proactive. The program aims to transform health care from a reactive focus to one that is coordinated and precision based. The DCPHC is well-recognized as a leading creator and developer of such care models while the DCI is a nationally recognized leader in precision cancer care. Awardees will intern at DCPHC, work on innovative care models for chronic disease, and rotate through DCI to learn about precision cancer care. Participants will engage in seminars, research presentations, and mentorship under leading faculty, ultimately preparing them to become better practitioners and leaders in health care. The scholarship is funded by a generous contribution from Julie and Bill Esrey.
Award: Each Snyderman/Moore Scholar will receive up to $5,000 in award funds.
Eligibility: An outstanding Duke third-year medical student who demonstrates a strong interest in research related to personalized, proactive, precise, and patient-centered health care delivery.
- Students must have demonstrated excellence in medical school training.
- Students must be willing to serve as an intern in the Duke Center for Personalized Health Care (DCPHC).
- Students must be willing to participate in rotations through the Duke Cancer Institute (DCI).
- Students must be willing to actively participate in DCPHC and DCI activities including seminars, research presentations, manuscript preparation and mentorship by key faculty.
- Students must be willing to work with Dr. Ralph Snyderman and Dr. Joseph Moore as direct mentors.
For additional information, please contact Cindy Mitchell.