PCLT students visiting Dr. Sharon Elliot-Bynum at CAARE, Inc. downtown Durham
Apply to the School of Medicine through the regular admissions process.
The Duke portion of the application is completed online. After receiving AMCAS applications, Duke School of Medicine contacts applicants with invitations to access Duke's Supplemental Application and Personal Account System.
In setting up the Personal Account, applicants to PCLT should be sure to check the PCLT box when asked to indicate the program to which they are applying.
Electronic submission of letters of recommendation is preferred—via your premed advisory office and VirtualEvals. Paper letters are accepted, but electronic submission is preferred.
Please note: Any paper letters of recommendation for PCLT applicants should be sent directly to:
Duke University School of Medicine
Office of Admissions
DUMC 3710
Durham, NC 27710
The Duke application should be completed and submitted as early as possible to facilitate review by both the PCLT and School of Medicine admissions committees.
Interviews of selected candidates are held from September through the end of February.
PCLT admission decisions are announced simultaneously with School of Medicine Admission decisions.
Applicants must meet the admission requirements as a candidate for the MD degree. Candidates apply for admission to the first year of the program, but a few students may be admitted after completing the first year of Duke University School of Medicine. In addition to the minimal requirements for the School of Medicine, key components in a successful application include demonstrated interest in community health and primary care.
For further information on general School of Medicine admissions procedures, consult the Office of MD Admissions, or contact the School of Medicine admissions office, 919.684.2985, medadm@dm.duke.edu .
For more information about the Duke PCLT or your application, Contact:
The Primary Care Leadership Track
Office of Curriculum, Duke University School of Medicine
Box 3899 DUMC
0389 Seeley Mudd
10 Bryan Searle Drive
Durham, NC 27710-3899
Phone: (336) 639-9746
E-mail: melissa.graham@duke.edu