Overall Goals
- Develop physician scholars through a rigorous scholarly experience in biomedically related research.
- Develop skills for scholarly investigation, pursuit of discovery, and transmission of knowledge to others, including principles in research and clinical practice.
- Incorporate ethical principles in research and ethical practice.
- Apply skills in the pursuit of life-long learning.
Method of monitoring objectives is indicated in parentheses.
- At the beginning of the Third Year, complete a research proposal acceptable to Mentor and Study Program Director; obtain the appropriate approvals (tracked by Third Year).
- Adhere to relevant institutional policies and procedures regarding research involving human subjects and animals complete online research related modules including IRB/IACUC modules (tracked by Office of Curricular Affairs).
- Design research strategies appropriate to chosen area (Mentor evaluation, thesis).
- Daily work in research environment under supervision of a mentor for > 10 months, personally collecting and/or analyzing data (Mentor evaluations).
- Review and critically assess literature pertaining to a chosen topic (Mentor evaluation, thesis).
- Determine what data exist relative to a clinical question or formal hypothesis (Mentor evaluation).
- Execute a research plan for data collection and organize data for analysis under supervision of mentor (Mentor evaluation).
- Use appropriate statistical methods to analyze data and interpret scientific literature (Mentor evaluation; successful completion of QMDM-II MedStats course).
- Collaborate with other individuals as part of the research process and attribute appropriately the contributions of others to the project (Mentor evaluation, thesis).
- Interpret and report findings in a thesis following prescribed guidelines, appropriately citing relevant work by others (Thesis).
- Present research at the mandatory Duke School of Medicine Student Research Symposium (MedSym) on the first Friday in August (Third Year).
- Complete official Third Year Committee evaluation of research experience (Third Year).
- Interact professionally with faculty and staff (Mentor evaluation).
- Meet all deadlines successfully (Third Year).