What to Expect

In an average week, students should expect to be in class from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. every day. This time is split between the classroom, lab, and clinic.

Students hit the books more often especially during the first semester, in study and review sessions.


Students work with a community member in the CORE lab

Classes are generally held in the IPE building, Erwin Square, or the anatomy lab on campus.

In the classroom, students might engage in a TBL (team-based learning) exercise, complete an individual or group readiness assessment, describe case studies, or learn new techniques and modalities.

In the anatomy lab, students dissect cadavers to learn the intricate anatomy of the human body.

Beyond the Classroom

DPT IM Champs

But it’s not all academics. DPT students are also frequently involved in extracurricular activities within Duke and the community.

Many student interest groups (SIGs) and groups run specifically by and for Duke medical students present opportunities for a rich social life.