Scholarships and Financial Aid

There are a number of university-funded scholarships and financial aid programs available to our students. DPT students also receive information throughout the year and are encouraged to apply for professional association-funded and industry-funded scholarships for DPT students across the nation.

Helen Kaiser Scholarship

Helen Kaiser was the founder and Director of the Graduate Program in Physical Therapy at Duke and was a nationally-known professional association leader whose career reflected the highest values of quality patient care and respect and dignity for human life. The scholarship recipients are expected to demonstrate a strong sensitivity to, and appreciation for the uniqueness in all individuals. Helen Kaiser Scholarship recipients will receive $15,000 each year, for a total of $45,000. Duke DPT Admissions will distribute the application to all matriculating students once the class has been filled. 

The Summer Discovery Program (SDP)

SDP is designed to expose undergraduate students with a keen interest in PT to the profession of physical therapy and to the Duke DPT experience. The SDP scholarship is a one-time scholarship awarded to an incoming SDP alumni. Two SDP scholarships are available. Those who are qualified for this scholarship, and have submitted their Letter of Intent will be emailed information on how to submit their name for consideration. The scholarship committee selects recipients based on their SDP application and their participation and engagement in the program's activities.

Student Excellence Scholarship Award

The Duke DPT Student Excellence Scholarship is given to second and third-year students who have financial need (minimum current financial need of $10,000) and demonstrate exceptional performance in the Duke DPT program. The applicant must be in good academic and professional standing according to Duke DPT Student Policies. The amount of the award will be determined based on available funds and the number of qualified students.

Graduate Assistantship

Graduate Assistants perform various duties assisting staff and faculty in the DPT division (similar to a work-study position). Students can apply at the end of their first semester. Graduate Assistants can work up to 19 hours per week and are paid $15 per hour.

Graduate Research Assistantship

Graduate Assistants (work-study position) perform various duties assisting research faculty in the DPT division. Students can apply at the end of their first semester. Graduate Research Assistants can work up to 19 hours per week and are paid $15 per hour. The program hires up to six Graduate Assistants each year.

All scholarships are contingent and based upon available funds.

Financial Aid

Learn more by contacting the Duke University School of Medicine's Office of Financial Aid and Student Financial Planning by phone 919-684-6649 or email.