Dual Degree Programs

Duke's highly flexible curriculum gives students an opportunity to pursue a second degree while enrolled in medical school. About 40 percent of Duke medical students graduate with two degrees. 

Third Year Student Research Highlight

In 2022, medical student Gabriel Carrillo, earned a law degree as part of his Third Year experience. He also worked on a research project with Duke Clinical Research Institute.

Study Program Director: David Edelman, MD (David Edelman, MD)            

EPH Faculty Mentors

Options/tracks within the degree program:  Varies across law schools

Course of study:  Six semesters of coursework

Location:  Duke University School of Law or at another University - (must be approved by the third year committee)

Length of Program:  Usually three years, with requirements of third year medical school accomplished in third of degree program

Total time to graduation: Typically six years

Tuition Arrangements:  Full tuition for both programs is paid independently to the two schools

Financial Aid:  Eligible and can apply for financial aid at each program for each year enrolled in that program

Note: Students completing a second degree at another institution are placed on leave of absence from Duke School of Medicine. They pay tuition and expenses and receive financial aid at the other institution. Upon completion of their second degree, students return from leave of absence status and complete all third year scholarly experience requirements.  Students completing their third year scholarly experience are charged three terms of tuition and expenses and are eligible to apply for financial aid through the Duke School of Medicine Financial Aid Office

Study Program Director: Bruce Klitzman, PhD   

SOEP Faculty Mentors

Fan Yuan, PhD; Pratt School of Engineering

This five-year program is designed for MD candidates who wish to also obtain a Master of Engineering (MEng) degree with a focus on healthcare innovation in any Engineering major, but typically either in Biomedical Engineering or in Electrical and Computer Engineering. In brief, students spend four years (Years 1, 2, 4 and 5) in medical school to fulfill the MD curriculum requirements, and one year (Year 3) to take the required MEng courses detailed below, and focus on innovations in healthcare, such as medical device design or data analytics that encompasses artificial intelligence, machine learning, optimization/systems analysis, feasibility analysis, product innovation, etc.  In the fourth year, students continue working on development of new technologies or data analytics for improving healthcare, improving public health, or reducing health hazards.  The final work product is a quantitative thesis, for which they will receive School of Medicine credit in fulfillment of their Third Year thesis requirement.

Tuition Arrangements: Students will pay the Pratt School of Engineering tuition for one year after the MS2 year and the School of Medicine tuition for four years (MS1, MS2, MS3 [year 4], and MS4 [year 5]). The typical MEng degree is three semesters and may have competitive awards to subsidize some of the costs of the MEng degree.

Location: Pratt School of Engineering

School of Medicine Requirements: The MD curriculum requirements for typical Years 1, 2, and 4 (Year 5 for these students) will remain unchanged by this program.

School of Medicine Third Year thesis credit will be based on submission of a document whose rigor is consistent with current Third Year theses. As with all current Third Year theses, the thesis proposals will require Third Year School of Medicine approval. The thesis would consist of a detailed Business Plan, complete with extended Introduction (similar to the extended Introduction currently required of Third Year students who choose the manuscript or grant alternative theses) stating more thoroughly the healthcare, public health, or health hazard need being addressed. The scope, subject, and outcomes of the thesis will be determined by the Engineering program of specialization in collaboration with the School of Medicine. Examples could include: Development of a new technology and working prototype to improve healthcare; Evaluation of technologies for improving public health; Optimization of engineered systems to minimize exposure to environmental health hazards, etc. A thesis alternative can be submitted in the form of a SBIR/STTR grant application since the grant thesis alternative is already an approved option offered to all Third Year medical students. At the discretion of and selected by the Third Year Committee, the thesis may be reviewed by faculty or other experts well versed in the specific technology field who are not on the Committee. These external reviews would be used by members of the Third Year Committee to grade the theses in order to ensure that the grading standards, rigor and criteria are consistent with current theses. The thesis may also be used to fulfill requirements for the MEng 550/551 courses.

Pratt School Requirements: Master of Engineering students should matriculate with a Bachelor’s degree in engineering or the physical sciences.  The MEng in Artificial Intelligence & Product Innovation in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering may allow students whose undergraduate degree is in other majors to matriculate after thorough review by the program director of prior course work and other experience   In the Master’s program, they must complete 30 credits comprised of key program elements as follows:

Core industry preparatory courses (6 credits)

Departmental or interdisciplinary core courses (15-18 credits, varies by major)

Technical electives in a concentrated area (6-9 credits, varies by major)

Internship, Project, or Equivalent

Additionally, some majors have a seminar participation requirement.

The MD/MEng student will fulfill all of the requirements of the MEng degree. To accomplish this, the following accommodation has been made for those seeking a dual degree:

6-9 credits (depends on MEng major) required for the MEng degree may be fulfilled based on satisfactory completion of the medical school Basic Sciences curriculum (see below).


MD Credits Applied to

MEng Degree


Biomedical Engineering


3 credits - Life Science Requirement 6 credits - Technical Electives

Civil Engineering


6 credits - Technical Electives

Electrical and Computer Engineering


9 credits - Technical Electives

Environmental Engineering


9 credits - Technical Electives

Materials Science and Engineering


6 credits - Technical Electives

Mechanical Engineering


6 credits - Technical Electives

Photonics and Optical Systems


6 credits - Technical Electives


Study Program Director: David Edelman, MD (David Edelman, MD)         

EPH Faculty Mentors

Focus on implementation science MPS are designed to be terminal degrees – i.e. a PhD is not required as in other Medical Informatics programs

Program:  Carolina Health Informatics Program (CHIP) – coordinates with Library School, Computer Sciences, Nursing, Public Health, School of Medicine, and Kenan Business School

CHIP coordinator:  Larisa Rodgers

Director: Javed Mostafa, PhD, Professor School of Information and Library Science, joint appointment Biomedical Research Imaging Center. He is also adjunct faculty in Duke CFM

Application process: Follow normal process applying through Graduate School and CHIP. Physicians/medical students can use their MCAT scores instead of GREs

Length: 12 to 18 months with a practicum (12-months can be done by our Duke students if they take a full load), starts at end of August.

Two tracks:  Clinical and Public Health. CHIP can customize the degree program if several MDs/students are going through it at same time. Clinical track grew out of a certificate program developed in conjunction with Duke (Ed Hammond) for creating a subspecialty for physicians interested in informatics and the new informatics board


  • Data – from acquisition to analysis – health data, statistics, validity, quality, etc.
  • Systems – deploy and create systems, systems design, usability, systems analysis
  • Human/societal – how health care works and the systems within it

Residential as opposed to commuter: very hands-on, work closely with faculty throughout program.

Assigned mentors: Work with students on practicum, as well as faculty advisors. Begin identifying mentor and project in first semester.  Mentors can be from UNC, industry or other relevant settings, including Duke – others have been SASS, RTI, Quintiles, and BCBS.

Requirements/products:  Project paper that could become a thesis.  Presentations and posters (online) are required

Compared to Duke MMCI degree:  MMCI is 50% business school courses and 50% informatics; the UNC MSP degree is more focused on informatics with business related electives and has more focus on healthcare as a system than business skills. 

Study Program Director: Gopal Sreenivasan, PhD

MedHum Faculty Mentors 

For more information: Please contact Donna Zapf, PhD, Director, dzapf@duke.edu

This joint degree program of the Duke University Graduate Liberal Studies program and the School of Medicine would begin in the third year of a student's medical degree. It would be a two-year program in its first implementation.

The Master of Arts in Liberal Studies (MALS) program offers the rigor of a graduate level liberal arts education within an interdisciplinary context. For medical students, the value of this degree is substantial. The program enables students to expand their intellectual capacity in diverse areas of study (e.g., social sciences, history, policy, ethics, etc.) while exploring these subjects from many perspectives. MALS students hone their abilities to view issues and problems from a variety of points-of-view, gaining both intellectual and practical skills that make them thinkers that are more comprehensive and more effective problem solvers.

The objectives of a MALS degree are to extend students' intellectual resources and range, promote openness to new ideas and ways of thinking, and facilitate the ability to identify connections and inter-relationships among seemingly disparate subject areas. To meet these objectives, Liberal Studies seminars are designed specifically for this program and are open to MALS students only. In addition, MALS students may take other courses of interest in Duke's Graduate School.

Requirements: Students design an individual course of study that brings together their intellectual interests and professional goals. Requirements include nine courses and a Master's thesis (approved by both the Graduate Liberal Studies program and the School of Medicine).

Apply to the Graduate Liberal Studies program on-line through the Graduate School. The application deadline for fall is May 15. All MD/MALS theses proposals also will require School of Medicine approval.

Study Program Director: Gopal Sreenivasan, PhD

MedHum Faculty Mentors 

For more information contact: Michael B. Waitzkin, JD, LLM – MA Director of Graduate Studies michael.waitzkin@duke.edu   (202) 528-1684

Program Description: The Duke Master in Bioethics & Science Policy program teaches students how to identify, analyze, and propose solutions to myriad complex issues at the intersection of science, technology, ethics, and policy.  Our curriculum is distinct from other bioethics degrees in its focus on bioethics and science policy, rather than bioethics or medical ethics alone. scienceandsociety.duke.edu/learn/ma

Length of Program: Three semesters. The program is completed typically by undertaking the course work during the fall and spring semesters, followed by a practicum or thesis during the following summer term. The program is, however, highly flexible in the scheduling of degree requirements, especially in the case of joint degree students.

Tuition: Tuition for the MA degree, as set by Duke Graduate School.  All Duke Medical School students will be eligible for a 50% merit scholarship from Science & Society, reducing the tuition to $38,610. In addition, MD students will be eligible to receive a $10-15,000 tuition subsidy from the Medical School for third year studies.

Science & Society also grants substantial scholarships as Leadership Awards to applicants who demonstrate the greatest potential to become leaders in making scientific advancements more accessible, just and better integrated into society.  Applications for the Leadership Awards are due January 9.

Eligibility: All Duke third year medical students are eligible to apply.


  • Jan. 9 – Application for Leadership Award
  • Jan. 31 – Priority consideration for financial aid                   
  • May 31 – Final deadline for fall admission

Application Procedure/Requirements: scienceandsociety.duke.edu/learn/ma/admissions/application-requirements

  • Duke Graduate School Online Form
  • MA Supplemental essays
  • Three letters of reference
  • College and medical school transcripts
  • GRE or MCAT (may submit MCAT used for admission to Duke Medical School


  • Required core courses (12 credits): Science Law & Policy; Clinical Bioethics and
  • Policy; Law Research and Bioethics; Contemporary Issues: Colloquium.
  • Electives (15 credits): courses selected from across Duke schools and departments
  • Practicum or Master’s Thesis  (9 credits) – Students have the option to either spend 10 weeks with a host organization engaged in work related to bioethics or science policy or to write a master’s thesis

Contact/Study Program Director:

Michael B. Waitzkin, JD, LLM – MA Director of Graduate Studies michael.waitzkin@duke.edu   (202) 528-1684

Gopal Sreenivasan, PhD - Study Program Director for the Medical Humanities Track.

Director: Brett T. Phillips, MD, MBA, FACS 

MBA Faculty Mentors

Fuqua Contact: Mandy McGuire

Name of Degree: Master of Business Administration (2 years)

Options/tracks within the degree program:  Many; Health Sector Management may be most relevant to Medical Students

Course of study:  Four semesters of coursework, and the summer between the two years is often devoted to practical work in business as well.

Location/s:  Duke Fuqua School of Business or a Business School at another University - Must be approved by the Third Year Committee prior to beginning any away program. Leave of absence required for first year at non-Duke institutions.

Length  of  Program:  Usually  two  years,  with  requirements  of  third  year  medical  school accomplished in second year of degree

Total time to graduation: Typically five years

Tuition Arrangements:  Full tuition for both programs is paid independently to the two schools. Currently there is a blended tuition for Fuqua through an agreement with the Duke School of Medicine but there is no guarantee it will continue in consecutive years. There is no reduction or blended rate if you attend another university for the MBA.

Financial Aid:  Eligible and can apply for financial aid at each program for each year enrolled in that program

Note: Students completing a second degree at another institution are placed on leave of absence from Duke School of Medicine. They pay tuition and expenses and receive financial aid at the other institution. Upon completion of their second degree, students return from leave of absence status and complete all third year scholarly experience requirements.  Students completing their third year scholarly experience are charged three terms of tuition and expenses and are eligible to apply for financial aid through the Duke School of Medicine Financial Aid Office.

Study Program Director: Megan Huchko, MD, MPH    

GHSP Faculty Mentors

Options/tracks within the degree program:  Elective options in Disease Causation and Prevention, global Environmental Health, Global Health Policy and Management, and Population Sciences

Course of study:  2-3 semesters of coursework, a field experience to apply learned research methods, and a research-based thesis are required

Location:  Duke Global Health Institute (DGHI) and a variety of international sites/institutions

Length of Program: Typically 4 semesters

Total time to graduation: Typically five years, could be accomplished in 4.5 years

Tuition Arrangements: Full tuition for both programs and is paid independently to the two schools. 

Financial Aid:  Eligible and can apply for financial aid at each program for each year enrolled in that program

Director: Megan Huchko, MD, MPH

Contact for more information:  Lysa MacKeen or http://globalhealth.duke.edu/education/mscgh-prospective-students

Study Program Director: David Edelman, MD (David Edelman, MD)            

EPH Faculty Mentors

Name of degree: Master of Health Sciences in Clinical Research (2 years)

Options/tracks within the degree program: Clinical Research, Genomic Research

Course of study: 4 semesters of coursework, plus a thesis is required.  A one year, non-degree option may be available.

Location: Duke Clinical Research Training Program (CRTP).

Length of Program: Masters’ Degree takes 2 years and requires a thesis.

Total time to graduation: Masters’ Program typically five years (the first or second year is congruent with your third year program).

Tuition arrangements: Full tuition for both programs is paid independently to the two schools. Scholarship funding is available for the entire Masters tuition; please apply for the CTSA scholarship by April 1

Financial Aid: Eligible and can apply for financial aid at each program for each year enrolled in that program.

For more information: Contact David Edelman, M.D., Director, CTSA TL1 Scholarship.

Study Program Director: Karen Baker, MD, MMCi - https://mmci.duke.edu/ 

MMCi Faculty Mentors

Innovation in health care is being shaped by a digital transformation that is already underway.  This effort was catalyzed by the Federal government’s investment in electronic health records, and is now expanded beyond health records to analytics, data visualization, connectivity, and patient engagement. While the infrastructure is in place, the Duke MMCi program is designed to develop a cadre of leaders who understand the critical organizational skills needed to understand, assess and implement technology solutions that can transform the clinical environment for our patients.

The MMCi program leverages Duke's world-renowned expertise in medicine, business, and health informatics. MMCi is an exceptional opportunity for dual-degree students. The one-year program offers the academic training that is needed to be successful in the innovation space while it’s unique Friday/Saturday class schedule offers time to complete the third-year practicum requirement concurrently with the program (most students leverage the program for their third-year research efforts but this is not required). Through access to the finest faculty and resources across health care, IT, and management education, students will acquire the knowledge and skills to merge technology with research and patient care and help improve human health.

Classes begin in August each year, meeting for four 12-week terms. During each term, classes meet on campus every other Friday and Saturday (a total of six week-ends per term) for the full day, with a short break between quarters. Students take three courses and an Ethics seminar each term. In addition, there are career seminars and industry networking events offered on Thursday evenings prior to class weekends.

Student Profile

MMCi alumni, students, and applicants represent diverse educational, professional and cultural backgrounds. While two-thirds of applicants have science or technology backgrounds, others have education and/or work experience in public health, public policy, business, and economics.

Approximately 40% of MMCi students have clinical experience. Professional experiences also include IT, business development, health administration, clinical trial management, consulting, and other business functions. International students add to the diversity of perspective in the MMCi program. Like domestic students, International students also come from a wide variety of IT, Medicine, and business backgrounds.

A key learning component of the MMCi experience is the study team, which is created to draw upon the diversity of experience and perspective within the class. A typical study team might include an IT professional, a clinician and/or a dual-degree student, an International student, someone with 20+ years of work experience and someone who has just a few years work experience. On a study team, each student brings a different perspective and has something unique to contribute, allowing a study team to see and learn about problems and solutions through other points of view.

Visit https://www.dukemmci.org/ for more information

An additional opportunity available for our students in Informatics is the UNC Carolina Health Informatics Program (CHIP)

Study Program DirectorKaren Baker, MD, MMCi 

Master of Science in Information Science

This study program provides students with an opportunity to pursue a dual degree in informatics or information and library science, or a third-year research experience with Duke faculty members involved in informatics research and applications within Duke’s clinical and research settings.

Master of Science in Library Science

MD/MSLS The degree in library science is offered by the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill and is designed to develop knowledge and skills around the development, management, and organization of information.

Program descriptions

Study Program Director: David Edelman, MD (David Edelman, MD)        

EPH Faculty Mentors

The Master of Science in Population Health Sciences prepares students to integrate knowledge, theory, and tools from multiple disciplines to find solutions that improve health.

Contact us:

Asheley Skinner, PhD 
Director of Graduate Studies/Director of MS Program


What is Population Health?

Population health is the science of improving health and health care for all.

Population health addresses the social influences on health with a shared goal of a healthier population by:

  • Reducing disparities
  • Measuring true health needs
  • Improving the implementation of effective health interventions
  • Linking communities and health care systems

Population health combines implementation science, health policy, data analysis, measurement science, epidemiology, and public health to find innovative solutions for better health.

Who should apply?

The MS in Population Health Sciences is for current or recent undergraduates looking to build quantitative expertise plus current professionals – including clinicians – who want to develop their research skills. Prospective students can have a strong interest in social sciences, analytics, or health care, given the multidisciplinary nature of the field.

Successful applicants generally will demonstrate a passion for improving population health, an aptitude for learning high-level analytic research methods, and academic or professional achievements that show leadership skills, ethics, determination, resilience, and creativity. The admissions process considers both past accomplishments and future potential.

Each applicant is considered on the merit of their entire application, and no single factor (e.g., GRE scores) will automatically eliminate a candidate from consideration.    

What kind of careers will the MS in Population Health Sciences prepare you for?

The MS in Population Health Sciences prepares graduates for careers in community settings, health care systems, or industry. Example jobs could be:

  • Program management in community nonprofits
  • Policy evaluation in government agencies
  • Quality improvement in health care systems
  • Project development in health industry

Graduates will also be prepared for careers in academic or contract research, with positions in research coordination or project management.

Curriculum & Typical Schedule

In their first year, students take classes in population health, statistical methods and programming, research methods, and professional development. The program’s second year mixes electives and experiential learning.

Capstone Project

The Capstone Project is a key feature of the MS program, and includes an internship and a final paper or thesis. The internship is a supervised experience in either a professional or research setting that’s relevant to population health, structured throughout year 2 of the program. All students will complete either a master’s paper or a thesis, based on their internship work.


All students in the MS program are paired with a faculty mentor from the very beginning of the program. Through regular 1-on-1 meetings, mentors provide support and guidance as students develop education goals and career plans, along with helping them identify research experiences and capstone projects.

Study Program Director: Kathryn M. Andolsek, MD, MPH       

EPH Faculty Mentors

The Duke Epidemiology and Public Health Study Program is designed for Duke MD students pursuing third year opportunities in public health through obtaining a Master of Public Health degree as part of their Duke third year medical school requirements. Students interested in this track should consult with Dr. Kathryn Andolsek as early as possible, ideally in their first year or very early in their second year.

This study track combines formal coursework in epidemiology, social drivers of health, and population health, allowing students an opportunity to participate in the quantitative research design and/or analysis of a research study. Participants will practice skills related to research design, statistical analyses, assessment, health policy, and comparative effectiveness so that they can be effective contributors to improve health and the system of health care. The focus may be on improved health of the patient or a discrete population but should be transferable to local, state, national and/or global health issues. They also will conduct research.

It is strongly recommended that students select an appropriate Duke Faculty mentor in consultation with Dr. Andolsek and make sure they are already approved; if not, work with Dr. Andolsek to have them reviewed and approved as an acceptable mentor by Dr. Andolsek and the third-year committee. For most students who obtain their MPH at the University of North Carolina, having a Duke mentor is particularly encouraged especially if students are enrolled in a one-year master’s concentration at UNC.

Eligibility: Students enrolled in the School of Medicine, after satisfactory completion of the first two years of the regular curriculum, may seek a Master of Public Health degree at the University of North Carolina Gillings School of Global Public Health (Chapel Hill) or an alternate accredited school of public health. These two pathways differ. Students in this study track are to complete their MPH requirements AND fulfill Duke's third year requirements (submitting to Duke a completed thesis, grant, or manuscript consistent with Duke Third Year requirements, and a poster for Duke's Annual School of Medicine Student Research Symposium).

Please see below for the two pathways. 

Pathway 1

University of North Carolina Gillings School of Global Public Health: For students seeking a Master of Public Health at the University of North Carolina Gillings School of Global Public Health (Chapel Hill): More information is listed through the departments which sponsor one or more “concentrations.”

UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health

UNC Master of Public Health (MPH)

Several concentrations at the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health have been “pre-approved” by the Third- Year committee. Some of these may be able to be completed within a single calendar year; HOWEVER, THE THIRD YEAR COMMITTEE STRONGLY RECOMMENDS STUDENTS TAKE THESE DEGREES OVER A TWO-YEAR TIME PERIOD. This two-year time period gives adequate time for Step 1 study, taking full advantage of the MPH curriculum, having a robust research experience, decompressing re-entry into the fourth year of Duke SoM and taking time to explore other interests, travel, have personal time. In general, these curricula include specified credits in a core curriculum, specified credits in a concentration curriculum, and specified credits in a practicum. The pre-approved concentrations include:

  • Master of Public Health in Applied Epidemiology
  • Master of Public Health in Health Behavior
  • Master of Public Health in Health Policy
  • Master of Public Health in Leadership in Practice
  • Master of Public Health in Maternal, Child, and Family Health
  • Master of Public Health in Nutrition (not Nutrition/Dietetics)

In addition, there are several other concentrations that could probably easily be “pre-approved” if a student were interested and worked with Dr. Andolsek to bring to the Duke Third-Year committee (i.e., Master of Public Health in Global Health; Master of Public Health in Population Health; Master of Public Health in Health Equity/Social Justice). The most recent concentration was approved for a Duke student in March 2024! If interested in Population Health and Global Health, students may want to compare/contrast the UNC MPH in Population Health and UNC MPH in Global Health with the Duke Masters in Population Health and Duke Masters in Global Health in terms of curriculum, duration, and cost.

Students should consult the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health website carefully to make certain of the most up to date information, including application deadlines which often differ among concentrations, practicum requirements, and information on what is required to be considered an in-state student (for tuition purposes).

UNC also offers Master of Science degrees in several concentrations which require additional credit hours for those interested in a more comprehensive degree. In the past, only a few Duke students have pursued this option.

Students (ideally) should identify a Duke approved mentor and research topics by January-March of the year in which they begin their third year. Most students have been able to use that project for some of UNC’s requirements, should they desire. IRB approval is usually necessary through both Duke UNC and when relevant, other pertinent institutions. Coursework continuously informs their research project. If their desired Duke mentor is not already approved, students should describe their project and send the project, and the potential mentor’s NIH biosketch to Dr. Andolsek to present to the Third Year Committee for approval as soon as possible. Mentor expectations can be found at the Third-Year website and usually expects the faculty member at an associate professor rank (or higher), a track record of successful mentoring, and research funding (sufficient that they will have protected time to mentor).

UNC makes the determination of whether a student is considered “in-state” for tuition purposes. For details, see https://sph.unc.edu/mch/mch-student-information/. This determination can be made on a semester-by-semester basis. A student who is turned down, may wish to appeal. If turned down for the first semester can apply for subsequent semester(s).

UNC School of Global Public Health also has their own programs of scholarship and other support; students should apply as interested.  Some students have served as TAs for courses or done work study activities.

 Pathway 2 Seeking a Master of Public at Other Institutions

Students may also pursue an MPH at other institutions and some Duke students have done so, including some international schools. Students are strongly encouraged to work with Dr. Andolsek on this option. Students prepare a Study Away packet as any other third year student and provide information on their potential identified mentor and project as well as the curriculum of the MPH program. The program project and the mentor must be approved by the Third-Year committee. Some students have a Duke mentor for a Duke research study in addition to their MPH at another institution; they pursue these two activities "in parallel."

UNC is a much more common choice, because:

1. UNC is currently the #1 School of Public Health in the US

2. UNC's out of state tuition is still a fraction of the cost of other private institutions

3. The cost of living in Triangle is frequently less than other locations

4. It avoids the need to physically leave and return for the 4th year

5. It allows students to stay more connected to Duke as they consider GME options

6. It may be easier to transition to 4th year


Contact Dr. Kathryn Andolsek for details.

Study Program Director: David Edelman, MD (David Edelman, MD)            

EPH Faculty Mentors

Name of degree: Master of Public Policy (2 years)

Options/tracks within the degree program: Varies across schools of Public Policy

Course of study: Three-four semesters of coursework; Masters' Thesis is required

Location: Duke Sanford School of Public Policy or a Public Policy School at another University (must be approved by the third year committee prior to the start of the program).

Length of Program: Two years, with requirements of third year of medical school accomplished in second year of degree program; under carefully considered circumstances and with special permission/effort can be completed in 16 months (see 'Note' below)

Total time to graduation: Typically five years, but can be four (see above)

Tuition arrangements: Full tuition for both programs is paid independently to the two schools.

Financial Aid: Eligible and can apply for financial aid at each program for each year enrolled in that program

Note: Students completing a second degree at another institution are placed on leave of absence from Duke School of Medicine. They pay tuition and expenses and receive financial aid at the other institution. Upon completion of their second degree, students return from leave of absence status and complete all third year scholarly experience requirements.  Students completing their third year scholarly experience are charged three terms of tuition and expenses and are eligible to apply for financial aid through the Duke School of Medicine Financial Aid Office.

Study Program Director: Gopal Sreenivasan, PhD

MedHum Faculty Mentors 

Co-Directors: Farr Curlin, MD, and Warren Kinghorn, MD, ThD

For more information: Contact Heather Plonk, MDiv, RBC, Program Coordinator at Duke Divinity School or thirdyear@dm.duke.edu

Must be organized and discussed early in the second year to allow time for applications and approvals.

Options/Tracks within the Degree Program: Masters of Theological Studies. If a student elects to complete the one-year certificate, they must be approved to do so during their third-year scholarly research year. The certificate option is not considered a dual degree.

Course of Study: Year one: enrolled solely at Divinity and taking a full-time graduate course load (typically 8 courses, (may overload). Identify a third-year mentor and propose third year project. Year Two: Student is dually enrolled in third year scholarly research program and at the Divinity School; take remaining courses to complete Master of Theological Studies (MTS); Complete mentored third year project leading to medical school thesis. Complete 3rd year required courses on data analysis (fall) and EBM (spring); Take the USMLE exams (timing at the students’ discretion). Master’s Thesis required at both schools.

Location: Duke University Divinity School (must be approved by Third Year Committee prior to the start of the program)

Length of the program: Two Years. The student enrolls during the first year of the dual degree program at the Divinity School only. During the second year of the MD/MTS program, the student is dually enrolled at Divinity and the School of Medicine. Since this is a Duke dual degree, the student is not placed on leave of absence during the first year. They are not active in the School of Medicine.

Total time to Graduate: Typically, five years

Tuition Arrangements: Full tuition for both programs is paid independently to the two schools

Financial Aid: Eligible and can apply for financial aid at each program for each year. 

The Certificate in Theology and Health Care (MD/CTHC) is not considered a dual degree. 

Co-Directors: Farr Curlin, MD, and Warren Kinghorn, MD, ThD

For more information: Contact Heather Plonk, MDiv, RBC, Program Coordinator at Duke Divinity School or thirdyear@dm.duke.edu