The goal of the Primary Care Leadership Track (PCLT) is to create change agents for the health care system through primary care. The 4-year program offers leadership training, a longitudinal-integrated 2nd year clerkship, which includes following pregnant mothers and delivering their babies, time for service with a community health care agency, and 3rd year research in community-engaged population health.
Our graduates have chosen primary care residencies: family medicine (outpatient adults, children, and prenatal care), general internal medicine (adults only), primary care pediatrics (children only), pediatrics/psychiatry, medicine/psychiatry, and Obstetrics/gynecology
Our Vision
The Primary Care Leadership Track will create a diverse network of empowered primary care leaders who deliver equitable care through collaboration with their communities and transform healthcare education and delivery.
PCLT Statement on Health and Inequities
The Primary Care Leadership Track unequivocally affirms that systemic racism, particularly in relation to Black Americans, is a public health issue. We fully recognize that systemic racism continues to cause great harm to our Durham and surrounding communities, and targeting these ills in all of its manifestations is crucial to our mission as a school of medicine program.
We commit to working with the School of Medicine to acknowledge our past missteps and create a curriculum that addresses the issue of racism and its undeniable impact on disparities and outcomes. We aim to work to reduce our biases as we lead, teach, and care for patients. We commit to increasing the number physicians with the requisite cultural humility to help address systemic racism and participate in the changes needed to achieve equity in the community they serve.
Contact Us
The Primary Care Leadership Track
Duke University School of Medicine
DUMC 3899
0389 Seeley Mudd
10 Bryan Searle Drive
Durham, NC 27710-3899
Phone: (919) 660-1108