The Duke Doctor of Physical Therapy Alumni Association presented awards to these individuals in February 2025:
Distinguished Alumni Award

John Lowman '95
Associate Professor and Director of Residency Training
University of Alabama at Birmingham
- Active member of APTA Cardiovascular and Pulmonary since 1993
- 2003–2009: Cardiovascular and Pulmonary SACE
- 2004–2009: PTA Examination Development Committee
- 2007–2010: Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Specialty Council
- 2008 Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy Outstanding Service Award
- 2010–2014: American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties
- American Board of Physical Therapy Residencies and Fellowship Education Service Committee since 2016
- 2013 UAB School of Health Professions Excellence in Teaching Award
- 2015 UAB President’s Excellence in Teaching Award
- 2016 Award for Physical Therapist from Cystic Fibrosis Society
“I have personally witnessed as he has applied highly effective leadership skills toward service activities for the APTA, the physical therapy (PT) profession, and the patients/clients served by PT. More specifically, John has consistently and industriously directed his professional activities to promote multiple components of the APTA, advance the PTs role in cardiovascular and pulmonary examination and treatment, advocate for patients/clients, and promote educational outcomes for PT professionals.” – David Morris, UAB Department of Physical Therapy Chair
“Dr. Lowman is an exemplary alumnus of the Duke PT program whose clinical and academic career embodies leadership, achievement, and service in physical therapy, making him an ideal candidate for this award.” – Emerging Leader Matt Ithurburn ’12
“Ever since 1995 when John graduated from Duke with the Masters of Science in Physical Therapy, he has been a role model within our profession.” – Dan Dore, Duke PT&OT Department Director Emeritus
“As both a faculty member and alumna of the Physical Therapy educational program at Duke University, I am proud to count John as one of our Duke alumni. John remains in close touch with the Duke Physical Therapy Educational Program, regularly attending the alumni events at national meetings as well as returning to Duke for special reunions. I believe John is an outstanding representative of all of the goals and values of Duke Physical Therapy Education and is well deserving of the Distinguished Alumni Award.” – Professor Emeritus Carol Figuers ’81
“In reviewing John’s curriculum vitae, I was overwhelmed by the depth and breadth of his work in three areas: clinical excellence, teaching and mentoring the next generation of physical therapists, and expanding the body of research. John has made an impact in each of the areas identified, and his contributions have been significant, lasting, and sustained over multiple years.” – Distinguished Alumni Kelley Kubota ’94
“John actively promotes physical therapy research, practice, and education at local, regional, and national levels to transform the profession of physical therapy, and his passion and dedication is commendable. John is one of the few individuals within our profession who is defining and shaping its next century of excellence.” – Distinguished Alumni Alan Lee ‘94
Emerging Leader Alumni Award

Garrett Bullock ‘17
Assistant Professor
Wake Forest University School of Medicine
- Major League Baseball Draft International Expert
- United Kingdom and United States Military Injury Consensus Steering Group
- Royal Navy Injury Prevention Committee International Expert
- Open Science in Sport International Consensus Steering Group
- National Basketball Association Expert Advisory Committee League-Wide Biomechanical Assessment for Injury Prevention International Expert
- Wartburg College Sport Science and Analytics Graduate Program Development International Expert
- International Olympic Committee Lower Extremity Injury in Women’s Sport Consensus; International Consensus Group Member
“Dr. Bullock is a very productive, independent researcher—in fact, I’ve not met anyone who has been as productive in a short period of time. He has published over 139 peer reviewed manuscripts, where he has served as lead, senior or co-author. He has done this in 8 years; in 2022, he published 39 papers. His H-index is already 21 (his first paper was in 2016, that’s crazy), with multiple papers receiving numerous citations. NIH I-Cite has his research impact in the 76th percentile for NIH researchers and 85th percentile for all non-NIH researchers.” – Dr. Chad Cook
“What is most impressive to me regarding Dr. Bullock’s start to his career in academia is not only the quantity of scientific works produced, over 100 peer reviewed publications, but the quality and impact his work has had in the areas of orthopedic and sports medicine. Garrett has already demonstrated an incredible capacity to deliver clinically applicable research that is directly applicable and accessible to the orthopedic and sports medicine community. Additionally, Dr. Garrett has quickly and effectively developed and fostered relationships with not only impactful senior researchers in his area of study but groups and organizations nationally and internationally recognized for their contributions to sports medicine. These relationships are forged through demonstrating a work ethic and skillset that is easily recognizable and clearly stands out among his peers.” – Paul Salamh ’07
“As a mentor to DPT and PhD students, he consistently integrates students with various backgrounds into his research and lab efforts. Regardless of the student’s background, Garrett recognizes the strengths and weaknesses of young professionals and fosters their abilities based on the career goals of the students.” – Miles Moore ‘24
Past Winners
Distinguished Alumni Award
2024: MIke Billings '94
2023: Lee Dibble ’91
2022: Gerard P. Brennan ’75
2021: Blair Packard ‘76
2020: Alan Lee ‘94
2019: Kelley Kubota ‘94
2018: Elizabeth Mostrom ‘78
2017: Dan Vreeman ‘03
2016: Anne Weekley Thompson ‘79
2015: Gary Zigenfus ‘74
2014: Rebecca Craik ‘72
2008: Andrea Behrman ‘80
Emerging Leader Alumni Award
2024: Allyson Sutkowi-Hemstreet ‘14
2023: Maggie Holland ’16
2022: Tasala Rufai ‘12
2021: Tara Widgins Dickson ‘12
2020: Michael Schmidt ‘12
2019: Amy Arundale ‘11
2018: Matthew Ithurburn ‘12
2017: Paul Salamh ‘07
2016: Annalisa Na ‘09
2015: Rebecca Gutman Quinones ‘07
2014: Dean McCall ‘04