The Duke School of Medicine and Fuqua School of Business jointly sponsor a program of medical and business administration education (MBA), a leadership program in public policy and medical training at Terry Sanford Institute of Public Policy (MPP), and a highly selective program of medical and legal education with The School of Law of Duke University (JD). The tuition policies are clearly defined in the program descriptions and vary by program so review them carefully for more information. Duke does not have an affiliation with any other institution for these Dual Degrees, only those listed.

For more information on the CRTP, MPP or JD programs contact David Edelman, MD (919)-286-6936.

For more information on the MBA program, contact Kevin Shah, MD, MBA.

For more information on the MMCi program, contact  Rebecca Schroeder, MD, Study Program Director or Randy Sears, MBA, MMCi - Operations Director

For more information on the MPH program please contact Kathryn Andolsek, MD.


EPH Faculty Mentors        MBA Faculty Mentors        MMCi Faculty Mentors