OTD Faculty and Staff

Instructor, Occupational Therapy Doctorate Program
Associate Professor in Orthopaedic Surgery
Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy and Theological Ethics; Assistant Professor in Orthopaedic Surgery; Program Director of the Duke Occupational Therapy Doctorate
Info. Services Specialist
Consulting Professor in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
Instructor, Occupational Therapy Doctorate Program
Director of Community-Engaged Research Practice; Assistant Professor in Orthopaedic Surgery
Minority Recruitment and Retention; Assistant Professor in Orthopaedic Surgery
Assistant Professor in Orthopaedic Surgery
Senior Program Coordinator
Student Services Officer
Division Chief and Founding Program Director; Professor in Orthopaedic Surgery
Assistant Professor in Orthopaedic Surgery; Assistant Professor in Ophthalmology
Professor in Orthopaedic Surgery
Assistant to the Program Director and Division Chief of the Occupational Therapy Doctorate
Staff Assistant
Vice Chief of Administration and Operations
Admissions Director
Financial Mgmt Analyst II
Communications Strategist
Capstone Coordinator; Assistant Professor in Orthopaedic Surgery
Consulting Professor in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
Associate Professor in Occupational Therapy
Operations Manager
Assistant Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery; Academic Fieldwork Coordinator
IT Analyst
Assistant Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery; Applied Practice Experience (APEx) Coordinator
Educational Technology Specialist
Consulting Professor in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery