Center for Occupational Therapy Education

Cote Logo - Cener for Occupational Therapy Education at Duke

The mission of COTE is to Re-imagine Occupation-centered Education through research and professional development.

Dr. Barbara Hooper, now program director of the Duke OTD division, launched the Center for OT Education in 2008 to support research and professional development in occupation-centered education. Occupation-centered education is defined as a process of “designing all learning—from micro learning tasks to macro curriculum designs—in such a way that students cannot escape except by making explicit links among the topic of the day, occupation, and associated reasoning processes” (Hooper, Krishnagiri, & Price, in press).

All initiatives at COTE are driven by the Subject-centered Integrative Learning Model (SCIL-OT), a profession-specific education model that guides educators in curriculum and instructional design and teaching. The SCIL-OT is integrated with best instructional and curriculum design practices from the field of education.

Consider working with COTE if you would like to:

  • Make occupation more explicit in courses, class sessions, materials, assignments and learning assessment strategies,
  • Re-imagine occupation-centered learning and explore a model to help ground the whole curriculum in occupation,
  • Link learning outcomes and assessment more closely with occupation,
  • Launch a curriculum (re)design process,
  • Align the elements of a curriculum design across aim, learning philosophy, learning outcomes, and others.

Opportunities for Hands-on Professional Development for Curriculum and Instruction Design:

  • Curriculum and instruction consultations
  • Summer Institute, June 2020
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