Duke Physician Assistant Program News & Blogs

Choose Your References Wisely

One step along the path to PA school is to choose who you will ask to be a reference for your application. For some, this is one of the more daunting parts of the process, as you select the people you think will give you the most powerful recommendations and then actually ask them!

Second Year Student Blog: Jamie Schwartz

My own recent experiences have made me realize how little I used to comprehend and appreciate the magnitude of the challenges that people with disabilities or chronic illnesses face daily, but also how important it is to ask for help when we need it and acknowledge the support we receive.

Students Living the Duke PA Program Mission by Giving Back to the Community

Community service and advocacy for underserved and marginalized communities is the heart of the Duke Physician Assistant (PA) Program’s mission.  

One of the key functions of the program’s student society, the Stead Society, is to organize and further the students’ commitment to important causes and to keep that heart beating.  

First Year Student Blog: Adriana DaCosta

“165/95, that’s a bit elevated,” I say to the patient, a gentleman in his 50s, after checking his blood pressure. In Spanish, he tells me he’s nervous since he’s “never really seen a doctor.”

Acing Your PA School Interview

You’ve submitted your CASPA. You’ve submitted your supplemental application. Now you wait. After the go, go, go it took to get to this point, waiting to hear about interviews can feel painfully slow. Once those invitations start rolling in, you will have a new goal: Acing your interviews.

First Year PA Student Blog: Leo Phillips

Before starting at Duke’s Physician Assistant Program (DPAP) in August of 2022, I had never seen a health care provider who looked like me. As a pansexual transgender man, I have experienced discrimination from physicians, nurses and health insurance companies. Now, as a PA student, I have the opportunity to share a little piece of my journey into the health care field.

First Year PA Student Blog: Megan Mitchell

Another year of the Burton Elementary School annual health education event is in the books! ... The afternoon started with a skit where Minecraft character “Blue”, played by Divine Mengue, visited the Physician Assistant, played by Maddie Parker, and took at trip through the body meeting germs and exploring the body.