EDI News

2019 Winn Awards Celebrate Achievements in Diversity and Inclusion

The Office of Diversity and Inclusion’s 2019 Michelle P. Winn Inclusive Excellence Award ceremony held in June honored faculty, staff, and trainees for their contributions to diversity and inclusion within the School of Medicine.

Chief Diversity Officer Judy Seidenstein opened the ceremony encouraging the audience to “speak the truth even if your voice shakes” on matters and issues, from LGBT+ equality to incorporating diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

School of Medicine Faculty and Staff Honored with 2018 Teamwork and Diversity Awards

Duke's Teamwork and Diversity Awards are given every year to employees who champion the values of collaboration, cooperation and communication as a team or demonstrate respect and value for people of different backgrounds and points of view.

One of this year's Teamwork Awards went to the NIH Response Team, a group of staff and faculty members from the Duke University School of Medicine, Duke University School of Nursing and Duke University who developed and implemented improvements to processes Duke uses to manage grants from the National Institutes of Health.

Reaching for Equity

In the 1950s, Kimberly Johnson’s maternal grandmother was diagnosed with metastatic cervical cancer and ultimately lost her life to the disease. Since then, her family has always wondered whether the situation might have had a different outcome if her grandmother had had access to today’s health care.

“We talk about how things are different now, and if she’d lived today she might have lived longer and better, especially if she had good insurance and a good income,” says Johnson, MD, MHS, associate professor of medicine.

Duke Physician Assistant Program Accepts Record Percentage of Underrepresented Minorities

The Duke Physician Assistant Program’s incoming class contains the highest percentage of underrepresented minorities the program has accepted in more than a decade.

The Class of 2020 will include 10 African-American students, 14 Hispanic students and one Native American student — approximately 28 percent of the 90 students accepted. The Duke PA program has averaged an acceptance rate of 18 percent underrepresented minorities for the past 10 years.

Faces of the Project Baseline Study: Phyllis

Goodbye 2017, hello 2018! Phyllis Perry, 63, was one of the last participants in 2017 to enroll in and complete her initial onsite visit for the Project Baseline study. Phyllis heard about the study at a senior center in Durham and enrolled at the Duke University School of Medicine.

The Project Baseline study is the first initiative of Project Baseline, an ambitious effort to develop a well-defined “baseline” of human health, and a rich data platform to help researchers better understand health and disease and the transitions between them.

Teamwork and Diversity Award Winners Champion Duke Values


Faculty and staff members honored for making health care more efficient, diverse

The members of Duke’s faculty and staff honored at Tuesday’s Teamwork and Diversity Awards have all played a role in making health care – both at Duke and beyond – more diverse and efficient.