School of Medicine’s first Chief Diversity Officer Named
Judy Seidenstein is named the School of Medicine’s first Chief Diversity Officer and Associate Dean of Diversity and Inclusion and the School of Medicine’s Office of Diversity & Inclusion is created.
First School-wide Inclusion Council
School of Medicine forms the first school-wide Inclusion Council with representatives from across the school to help promote a sense of belonging.

Sexual and Gender Diversity Advisory Council (SAGDAC)
The Sexual and Gender Diversity Advisory Council (SAGDAC) is created. SAGDAC is a multidisciplinary, cross-institution gathering of LGBTQ+ stakeholders who serve as a think tank and hub for LGBTQ+ initiatives at Duke.
Conversation About Race
The School of Medicine hosts Conversation about Race with stakeholders from across the School of Medicine. More than 250 members of the school attend.

Michelle Winn Inclusive Excellence Awards
The Duke University School of Medicine’s Office of Diversity & Inclusion establishes the Michelle Winn Inclusive Excellence Awards to recognize individuals who have made significant contributions to diversity, equity, and inclusion within the School of Medicine community.
Black Men in White Coats
In partnership with the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, Duke physicians are featured in “Black Men in White Coats” video series.

Rebecca Redmond, PhD, joins the Office of Diversity & Inclusion
Rebecca Redmond, PhD, joins the Office of Diversity & Inclusion as our first Diversity and Inclusion Metrics Analyst.
Teaching for Equity Fellowship
The first School of Medicine cohorts of the Teaching for Equity Fellowship program, a year-long series of professional development workshops that give faculty tools to better engage all students in classrooms, clinics, and other learning spaces, begins.
AAMC Diversity Engagement Survey
In February, nearly 4,000 faculty, staff, and learners participated in the AAMC Diversity Engagement Survey, which explores perceptions of inclusion and engagement across the school. That March the school shares strengths, areas for improvement, and next steps.
ADVANCE-UP (Academic DeVelopment, Advocacy, Networking, Coaching and Education for Underrepresented Populations) program was started to provide unique enrichment activities designed to focus on experiences underrepresented racial and ethnic faculty (UREF) encounter in academic medical centers.

Duke Center for REsearch to AdvanCe Healthcare Equity (REACH Equity) Launched
With an award of more than $7.2 million from NIMHD, part of the National Institutes of Health, the Duke Center for REsearch to AdvanCe Healthcare Equity (REACH Equity) is launched to address racial and ethnic disparities in health.

Black Men in Medicine (BMIM) initiative
The Black Men in Medicine (BMIM) initiative aims to develop and support the needs of black male faculty, students, trainees and learners in the School of Medicine and to cultivate future healthcare and biomedical science professionals to address the historical underrepresentation of black men in medicine.
Inclusive Holiday Calendar
The ODI launches its Inclusive Holiday Calendar featuring the dates and brief descriptions of holidays and celebrations from cultures and religions from around the world.
ODI's Response to the COVID -19 Pandemic
In response to the COVID-19 Crisis, the Office of Diversity & Inclusion publishes a series of more than 50 vetted and curated resources and articles detailing the intersections between diversity, equity and inclusion and COVID-19, as well as ways that the pandemic is disproportionately harming marginalized populations.
Development of Teaching for Equity Now
ODI partners with Drs. Tema Okun and Krista Robinson-Lyles to develop Teaching for Equity Now, a cohort-based racial equity seminar series (over 400 people have participated).

Dean Mary Klotman, MD, launches the Moments to Movement Initiative
On June 16, 2020, in place of her annual State of the School address, Dean Mary Klotman, MD, led a special town hall that launched the Moments to Movement initiative, committing the School of Medicine to dismantling structural racism within the school and creating an equitable, welcoming environment for everyone within its walls.

Inclusion Matters Newsletter Renamed Equity Matters
Equity Matters, is a free email newsletter summarizing the latest news, events, funding opportunities, and resources relating to diversity, equity, and inclusion within the Duke University School of Medicine.
COST for Black Faculty Letter
In January, a cadre of Black faculty members from across the School of Medicine write the COST for Black Faculty—Communication to Operationalize Sustainability, Solidarity, Sponsorship, and Trust—letter to their colleagues detailing their experiences dealing with the effects of systemic racism and the COVID-19 pandemic. The narratives and recommendations shared in the letter were used to inform and advance the Moments to Movement initiative across the School of Medicine.
Equity Research Center and Core Established in the CTSI
The Center for Equity in Research and the Equity in Research (EIR) Core are established in the Duke Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) to improve equity and mitigate bias and racism in research.

School Launches Anti-Racism Strategic Plan
In June 2021, after a year and a half of intensive work by nearly 100 members of the School of Medicine who participated on four different stakeholder committees, Duke University School of Medicine launched its anti-racism strategic plan, called “Dismantling Racism and Advancing Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in the School of Medicine.”
Moments to Movement
Moments to Movement Town Halls and Conversations are held to discuss updates, progress, and the school’s continuing efforts toward diversity, equity, inclusion, and anti-racism.

Kevin Thomas, MD, First Vice Dean for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Kevin Thomas, MD, Associate Professor of Medicine, is named Duke University School of Medicine’s first Vice Dean for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.

Johnna Frierson, PhD, Appointed Associate Dean of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion for the Basic Sciences
Johnna Frierson, PhD, appointed Associate Dean of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion for the Basic Sciences.
The Office of Diversity & Inclusion Renamed
The Office of Diversity & Inclusion is renamed the Office of Equity, Diversity & Inclusion.