Office for Faculty News

Getting Promoted in the Clinical Sciences

Zoom panel discussion about APT


On 11/17/22, faculty in the School of Medicine joined the Office for Faculty in a discussion of the process and pathways for promotion in the clinical sciences.

ALICE 2022 Cohort Graduates Program!

The ALICE 2022 cohort celebrated the completion of their program on Thursday, November 10. Take a moment and congratulate the ALICE 2022 cohort on graduation!

Images from Graduation celebration


Now Enrolling: Mentoring training curriculum for investigators

The Duke Office for Research Mentoring, in collaboration with the Duke CTSA and the National Research Mentoring Network, offers a case-based Mentor Training Curriculum for investigators at all experience levels. Small and large group sessions focus on key mentorship competencies:

Apply now! 2023 ALICE Program

The Office for Faculty is now accepting applications for the ALICE program – a leadership development program for mid-career women faculty in the School of Medicine. ALICE – Academic Leadership, Innovation, and Collaborative Engagement –provides in-depth opportunities for leadership skill development, personal reflection and goal setting, peer-mentoring, and structured 360 feedback.

2022 Spring Faculty Celebration

The 2022 School of Medicine Spring Faculty Celebration will take place on Tuesday, May 10, 5-7pm at the Doris Duke Center, Duke Gardens.