2022-2023 Annual Year in Review
New UREF Community Building - Register now
Foundation Mentoring Training - Register now!
New Faculty Orientation - registration open!
Starting a new faculty appointment is an exciting and challenging opportunity, and whether you joined Duke this month or last year, we want to make sure you have the tools and support to hit the ground running and to navigate your career here.
While this series of seminars specifically targets faculty hired in the past three years, all faculty may join and many of the topics addressed are applicable to faculty regardless of career stage.
Orientation features tailored pathways to support the unique needs of clinicians and basic scientists.
Register now! Mentor-Mentee Day
The Office for Research Mentoring is exited to announce the new Mentor-Mentee Day! Unlock tailored professional growth plans, bridge work style gaps, and amplify communication skills, all while fulfilling annual mentor training requirements.
Friday, October 6, 2:00-4:00pm, Trent Semans Center, 6th Floor
Attendees will: