Precision Genomics Collaboratory News

Announcing the Fostering Interdisciplinary Genomic Science Pilot Grant Winners

The Precision Genomics Collaboratory offered pilot grants with the goal of forming new collaborations in genomic science between researchers and clinicians to help address pressing challenges in genomics discovery, translation and/or implementation. These one-year, $15,000 grants were open to School of Medicine faculty at all stages of their careers

Finding a Path Through the Land of the Undiagnosed

Some 30 million Americans experience significant health problems that defy diagnosis. Their symptoms range from mysterious heart attacks in teenagers to spine abnormalities, intellectual disabilities, low muscle mass, digestive troubles, and countless others.

Reflections From the Upcoming T32 Graduates

Dr. Heston and Dr. Bihlmeyer both reflected on their rewarding time as post-docs. The two-year training program began during July of 2020 and will conclude at the end of June 2022.

Lipid Serendipity

A newly discovered protein modification opens up another world of discovery

How Fast are You Aging?

Five decades ago, Duke psychologists Terrie Moffitt and Avshalom Caspi began working with a long-term study of 1,000 people in New Zealand to get a better perspective on how childhood factors may have led to adolescent behaviors, such as risk-taking.

PGC Announces Student Pilot Grant Awardees

The Duke University School of Medicine Office of Biomedical and Graduate Education (OBGE) and Precision Genomics Collaboratory awarded 10 pilot grants of $2,000 each to SOM Biomedical PhD students.