The Duke University School of Medicine Office of Biomedical and Graduate Education (OBGE) and Precision Genomics Collaboratory offer pilot grants available to all PhD students in SoM programs. The goal of these grants is to support our students in scientific and educational efforts to bolster their graduate training experiences. These funds can be used for either research or professional development, for example, for travel to conferences, educational opportunities/seminars, new experiments to generate preliminary data, etc.
All Duke School of Medicine Ph.D. students broadly involved in genomic/omics sciences (basic, translational, and/or clinical).
*If you have received a pilot grant within the last 12 months, you are not eligible for this cycle.
Upcoming deadline: March 15
Application Process
Please send a CV, a brief proposal (<1 page, please include how you will use the funds), and a brief letter of support from either the student’s laboratory principal investigator or their Director of Graduate Studies to the Precision Genomics Collaboratory (genomicscollaboratory@duke.edu) by 11:59 pm on the deadline date.
The Duke University SOM is pleased to offer a new standing pilot grant mechanism jointly offered by the Office of Biomedical and Graduate Education (OBGE) and the Precision Genomics Collaboratory to support PhD students who are broadly involved in the genomics/omics sciences. This includes basic (i.e. preclinical genetic models, molecular genetics, genome editing, transcriptional regulation, disease genomics/omics), translational (i.e. biomarker discovery, genetic epidemiology, omics profiling), and clinical (i.e. biomarker translation, genomics implementation, biorepository/cohort building) sciences. These grants are intended to be broadly used to support work that would not otherwise be funded through traditional mechanisms or are not otherwise able to be funded through the PhD student’s current program/PI.
Grants will be for $2000 per individual, with three awards given per funding cycle. Scoring considerations will include: (1) merit (i.e. scientific premise for proposed experiments, unique educational opportunities, etc.); (2) need (i.e. line of investigation or educational opportunity would not otherwise be financially supported); and (3) potential output (i.e. leading to new funding, would enable a new line of investigation, would lead to new collaborations, etc.). Applicants should also include generally how the funds will be used (a detailed budget is not necessary.
Funds must be used within six months of award and a brief (one paragraph) written summary describing how the funds were used must be submitted to the Precision Genomics Collaboratory at award end.