CTSI Welcomes Clinical Research Equity Scholars in Partnership with Durham Tech
A unique collaboration launched four years ago between CTSI and Durham Technical Community College continues to thrive and recently welcomed the latest cohort of the Clinical Research Equity Scholars Program.
New Grant to Address Hidden Hypoxemia
Pulse oximetry, a commonly used method to monitor oxygen levels in patients, has long been trusted as a key diagnostic tool. However, for patients with darker skin tones, this technology may not be accurate. A new grant aims to help.
Olabisi among those elected to American Society for Clinical Investigation
Opeyemi Olabisi is among the 2025 researchers elected to the American Society for Clinical Investigation (ASCI), one of the nation’s oldest medical honor societies.
Activating Complex Regions of the Genome to Treat Rare Diseases
Researchers find a master epigenetic switch that activates silenced genes to compensate for their missing counterparts in a rare genetic disease called Prader-Willi syndrome
Provider and Parks Partnership Shows Improvement in Pediatric Obesity Measures
Referrals by pediatric primary care providers to a community-led lifestyle program helped improve the health of pediatric patients with obesity, according to research led by Duke Health.
Duke professor-led biotech company raises $175 million to advance epigenome editing therapy clinical trials
Tune Therapeutics announced the completion of its Series B fundraising round on Jan. 12, in which it raised $175 million to support clinical trials for its epigenome editor.
Congratulations to Dr. Nazema Siddiqui – Recipient of the 2024 DMC Diversity Matters Award
Dr. Siddiqui is being honored for her exceptional contributions to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion in the microbiome sciences and women’s health.
EXTENDing Hope: Artificial Wombs for Safer Neonatal Development
For expectant mothers, going into labor early can be terrifying. Premature babies are at an increased risk for serious health problems. The earlier a baby is born, the higher risk of health challenges they have, including digestive issues, a weakened immune system, heart problems, and lung injuries, among others.
Highlights from the 4th Annual Genomics Scientific Retreat
The Duke School of Medicine Precision Genomics Collaboratory (PGC) held the fourth annual Genomics Scientific Retreat on December 13 in the Trent Semans Center Great Hall.