PGC Faculty Among Those Awarded Distinguished Professorships


Duke University has awarded distinguished professorships to 31 faculty members and will recognize them in a ceremony at the Washington Duke Inn on May 14.

Among those awarded are four Precision Genomics Collaboratory faculty members.

Gregory E. Crawford (Department of Pediatrics), Wilburt C. Davison Distinguished Professor

Brenna L Hughes (Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology), Edwin Crowell Hamblen Distinguished Professor of Reproductive Biology and Family Planning

Anne Elizabeth West (Department of Neurobiology), George Barth Geller Distinguished Professor

Claudia K. Gunsch (Civil and Environmental Engineering), Muriel Theodorsen Williams E’46 Distinguished Professor

“I am very proud to recognize these outstanding faculty colleagues with distinguished professorships,” said President Vincent E. Price. “Through their extraordinary scholarship and teaching, they are advancing solutions, inventions and cures that will uplift humankind and make a lasting difference in the world.”

Distinguished professorships honor faculty who are well-established members of the Duke academic community and have also achieved distinction as creative scholars in their field or in their ability to transcend disciplines.

See all 31 new distinguished professors
