Precision Genomics Collaboratory News

Microbial Job Stability

Microbial communities can vary drastically, but despite the variations, certain functions in these microbial communities stay stable, and now researchers at Duke are understanding why.

Students research shines with help from pilot grants

The Duke School of Medicine Precision Genomics Collaboratory and the Office of Biomedical and Graduate Education have been providing $2,000 pilot grant opportunities three times a year for current biomedical PhD students since August 2021.

After receiving their grants, students have six months to use their funds, which could go towards research or professional development.

Jumping genes drive drug resistance of a world-wide fungal pathogen

Drug-resistant microbial pathogens — whether parasite, bacteria, virus, or fungus — are a major global challenge that can lead to limited treatment options, increased costs for resources, and higher levels of morbidity and mortality.

A Duke-led international research team has discovered one of the ways that drug resistance can develop: a process by which mobile DNA sequences called transposons trigger “hypermutation,” allowing certain genetic components to multiply unchecked.