Hear from Alumni Who Are Now Leading the Industry

In this so-called era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) of tremendous healthcare disruption and rapid technological advances, the physician of yesteryear needs to transform. I believe that Duke’s MMCi program is well positioned to provide students the awareness, exposure, thought leader opinions and strategies to create a solid foundation to meet these changes head-on.
As a physician, the program provided me the tools and skillsets to become a physician of the future who understands the interplay of clinical, business, informatics and technology in transforming healthcare. Best of all, I can count on my faculty, classmates and alumni both current and future, to share their knowledge, expertise and opinion as we tackle the ever changing challenges and opportunities in healthcare transformation.
Michael Matela, MD, MMCi, FAAFP
Physician Informatician, Physician Advisor to MMCi Program
“The MMCi program provided me the tools to successfully transition my career from clinical practice to informatics leadership. The program’s unique blend of business and informatics training provides the exact skillset needed to transform the health care delivery paradigm. Each and every day, I find myself drawing upon the knowledge I’ve derived from the program. The ROI on my investment in the MMCi program has been tremendous. It was one of the best career decisions I have ever made.”
Mitchel Krieger, MD, FACS, MMCi
Information Officer MyPractice Healthcare Solutions, Cleveland Clinic
“Given that part of the MMCi program is concerned with informatics and technology, it was important and fortuitous to have a portion of my classmates to be of a generation that is the first one to have grown up using computers and with heavy exposure to technology and informatics. As a consequence, I found that their way of thinking and problem solving was far different from mine and made for a great mix in the group discussions and projects. Sometimes it just made me smile and shake my head in wonder and amazement at how different and great that experience was.”
Lawrence Crawford, MD
Cardiologist, Duke University Health System
"MMCi positioned me to realize significant impacts on shaping value for patients, payers and providers through woven efforts and a deepened exposure to health care information, analytics, IT, policy, strategy and operations. I am able to stand strong and unique, armed with an unmatched breadth of knowledge to pioneer a new future for the developing health care system, while rocketing my career to a senior level status. Upon graduation, I accepted a position as a Senior Healthcare consultant at a Big 4 firm. This opportunity to make decisions on a daily basis that impact the health of millions, engaging and expanding the tools MMCi helped to shape, is exciting and humbling in a time when health care is defining our nation.”
Andrew Blonde
Senior Associate, Health Care Advisory Services at PwC
“MMCi is an excellent program for technology executives transitioning into the health care arena from a non-health care background. It has the right content – an in-depth understanding of the health care industry, the right framework – the case approach that provides a unique learning experience through rigorous analysis and classroom discussion, with cohorts from different backgrounds who challenge and shape your thinking through the course of the program.”
Victor Palli
Lead Associate, Booz Allen Hamilton
“I credit the MMCi program as one of the smartest things I’ve ever done professionally or for my own personal development…the beauty of the program is that we get the most IT savvy classmates.”
Chris Roth, MD
Associate Chair of Radiology for HIT and Clinical Informatics, Duke University Medical Center
“This program seemed to be the perfect blend of business, IT and healthcare…that trifecta of where I wanted to be in my career.”
Alum from Class of 2018
“This program brought together all I love about healthcare, covering components that comprise the engine that makes healthcare system run. It has been an exceptional experience, both in terms of class diversity, collaboration & quality of professors.”
Alum from Class of 2017
“The program has exceeded my expectations! I am deeply grateful to the administrators for their
support! They have provide life and career advice! A huge asset to my life!”
Alum from Class of 2016