Student Services and Resources

This page is for currently enrolled students in Duke University's School of Medicine.

Bursar Tuition and Fees Refund Policy

Page 25: Tuition section, under the tuition and fees chart should read as follows:  "All individuals registered in the Duke Doctor of Medicine program at Duke University School of Medicine must meet minimum credit enrollment requirements for each year in order to be considered a full-time student."

Technical Standards

Policy on Retake Sub-Internships and Clinical Electives for MS4 students

COVID Policy

MD LOA Policy

Quarantine Flow Chart

Transfer Policy

Electives Book - The Elective Curriculum section.  Acute care requirement must be satisfied at Duke SoM and cannot be satisfied away from Duke. The sentence that says "In addition, all students must take a four-week critical care elective at Duke or a Study Away institution" is listed in error.  The sentence should say "In additional, all students must take an approved four-week, four-credit course that is approved to satisfy the acute care course requirement at Duke.  The course should be taken simultaneously with the Acute Care Curriculum course (INTERDIS 401C), unless the student is in the PCLT track or approval has been received from the acute care curriculum course director to do otherwise."

Course Enrollment for non-School of Medicine Programs: Students enrolled at Duke University in academic programs outside of the School of Medicine, are not permitted to enroll or audit any course offered through the School of Medicine. This includes courses in the Doctor of Medicine, Doctor of Physical Therapy, Master in Biomedical Sciences, Masters in Biostatistics Programs, Master in Clinical Informatics, Master of Health Science-Physician Assistant, Pathologist Assistant, Clinical Leadership, and Clinical Research.

Withdrawal Policy  School of Medicine policy, for all SoM programs. Approved July 17, 2024.

 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 Addendum Items (Elective Book and/or Bulletin)

Effective Spring 2025, MS4 Anesthesiology courses will no longer require permission of the instructor for enrollment

ANESTH 401C- effective May 1, 2024, Dr. Mike Cutrone is the course director. Maximum Enrollment: 2.  The maximum combined enrollment for ANESTH 401C and ANESTH 402C cannot exceed a total of more than 4 students in any 4-week section.  If questions, contact Dr. Cutrone and Dr. Grace McCarthy.  

ANESTH 402C- effective May 1, 2024 Dr. Mike Cutrone is the course director.  Maximum Enrollment: 2.  The maximum combined enrollment for Anesth 401C and Anesth 402C cannot exceed a total of more than 4 students in any 4-week section.  If questions, contact Dr. Cutrone and Dr. Grace McCarthy.

ANESTH 440C- Effective June 24, 2024 Dr. Abigail Melnick is the primary course director - permission is not required for enrollment

DERMATOL 220C- Effective summer 2024, Dr. Daren Simkin is the primary course director 

DERMATOL 401C- Effective summer 2024, Dr. Daren Simkin is the primary course director 

DERMATOL 402C- Dermatology for the Non-Dermatologist is a one credit evening course that will be offered Spring term section 81 only

DERMATOL 450C - Summer and Fall 2025, all sections, require permission of the instructor to enroll.  

EMERGMED 401C - Permission of the Instructor is no longer required for enrollment

EMERGMED 405C - Permission of the Instructor is required for summer 43/44 and fall 41 enrollment

INTERDIS 203C - Effective Summer 2025, Dr. Saumil Chudgar is the primary course director

INTERDIS 305C - Course title change is Third Year Experience. Course director is Dr. Nancy Weigle             

INTERDIS 401C - Acute Care Curriculum - cancelled for summer 41 as the minimum enrollment of 5 students was not met.  

INTERDIS 408C - Bone and Soft Tissue Multidisciplinary Experience.  Effective 3/1/2025 Dr. Will Jeck will be the course director.  

MEDICINE 229C - Students must notify the course director via email at (  AT LEAST 2 weeks prior to your selective to confirm enrollment.

MEDICINE 424C - Dr. Michael Berkoben is no longer an instructor or contact for this course.  Direct inquiries to Dr. John K. Roberts,  Course offered spring term only.  

MEDICINE 427C - Effective July 1, 2024 the new instructor is Dr. Neha Kayastha

MEDICINE 430C - Pulmonary Medicine - Effective July 1, 2024 - course will no longer be offered. 

 Medicine 435C - Gastroenterology - Effective 07/01/2024 - Course Director: Talisha Ramchal, MD and new coordinator is Anna Baker

MEDICINE 437C - 2 Week Rheumatology - course requires permission of instructor to enroll

MEDICINE 439C -  Will meet on Thursday evenings during spring section 81.  First class 1/9/25.

MEDICINE 454C - Humanities for Health Justice - approved as Clinical course (not non-direct patient care)

NEURO 405C – not offered during spring 2024

ORTHO 221C – Effective 8/19/2024, Dr. Ankit Patel is the course director for ORTHO 221C – Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, (2 credit MS2 selective), replacing Dr. H. Michael Guo. Permission of instructor required for enrollment.

OBGYN 410C -  Effective May 1, 2024 Complex Family Planning elective will be offered. Permission of instructor for enrollment. Course director is Dr. Beverly Gray.

PATHOL 220c- Effective summer 2024 Dr. Cummings is the course director and the secondary contact as Jawanna Bell.

PATHOL 402C -will be offered with permission of instructor during summer section 43 and has been cancelled for summer section 44.

PEDS 221C - Effective Spring 2025 will not be offered section 02 

PEDS 222C- Effective February 26, 2024 the course director is Dr. David Van Mater

PEDS 229C - Effective January 24, 2025 the course director is Dr. Ashley Dischinger

PEDS 403C - Course is currently inactive - no longer offered - no longer eligible to satisfy Third Year Experience (Continuity) Requirement.  

PEDS 408C- not offered for the 2025-2026 academic year

PEDS 417C -  The MS4 elective is 3-4 credits and is Graded (Honors, High Pass, Pass, Fail).  

PEDS 419C- LGBTQ Healthcare will be offered Spring 2025, permission of the instructor is required

PEDS 431C - Effective January 24, 2025 the course director is Dr. Ashley Dischinger

PEDS 446C - Effective Summer 2024 - New Course Director: Dr. Andrea Bauchat

PSYCH 221C Effective Spring 2024 - the course director is Dr. Aishwarya Rajagopalan, permission of instructor is required

PSYCHTRY 402C no longer being offered

PSYCHTRY 403C - The Science of Wholeness: Maintaining Compassionate Care.  1 non-direct patient care credit (MS4).  Permission of the instructor is required for enrollment.  Offered during summer 81; meets weekly on Wednesdays (noon to 2pm) for eight weeks.  Open to MS3 students only during 2024-2025.  Course directors: John Riordan, MD and Jane Gagliardi, MD/MHS/FACP/DFAPA.  Mentor approval is required for MS3 students.  

PSYCHTRY 443C - Fall 43 will be offered.

RADIOL 205C - Effective May 1, 2024, Dr. Eun Langman will be the course director 

RADIOL 206C - Effective May 1, 2024, Dr. Eun Langman will be the course director for Radiol 205C and 206C

RADIOL 222C- Effective Fall 2024, Dr. Alex J. Solomon will be the course director 

RADIOL 403C - Genitourinary Imaging - No longer offered.  Effective summer 2024

RADIOL 404C - Effective Spring 2025, Dr. Alex Solomon will be the course director

RADIOL 405C - Effective May 1, 2024, Dr. Eun Langman will be the course director 

RADIOL 406C- Effective Summer 2025, Dr. Alex Solomon will be the course director.  Course is 4 weeks;4 credits

RADIOL 429C -PCLT Basic Radiology Clerkship will be offered during Fall and Spring terms

RADIOL 437C - Offered fall 2024, sections 41, 42, 43, and 44; spring 2025, sections 41, 42, and 44; and summer 2025, sections 41, 42, 43, and 44. 

SURGERY 409C - Spring 2025 contact for permission numbers and questions: Dr. Shannon Barter (

SURGERY 423C - will be offered during Summer, Fall, and Spring terms. 

UROLOGY 220C - Effective Fall 2024, Dr. Ro Tejwani will be the course director

UROLOGY 401C - Effective Fall 2024, Dr. Ro Tejwani will be the course director 

Dual Degree Program - Basic Science Research Training Program (BSRT) - discontinued as of 10/01/2024 


Student Health: For information concerning immunization records and submittal please contact Student Health

Emergency Management Plan Policy

The following link provides information pertaining to safety and emergency resources, to include disaster preparedness and preparation information for the Trent Semans Center, fire drill information for the Trent Semans Center, Duke Alert, and health and wellness resources:

2nd Year Time Away Request Form-2nd Year only (Use This Form)"

Drop/Add Form (Please use when both dropping and adding courses) 

Drop Only Form (Please use when only dropping courses)

Add Only Form (Please use when only adding courses)

2025-2026 Fourth Year Elective Book

2024-2025 Fourth Year Elective Book

Study Away-Domestic - if you are unable to access the DocuSign form, please print and complete the paper copy located under "FORMS"

Study Away-Abroad  (Please use if away program is out of the country) 

Drop/Add Form (Please use when both dropping and adding a course) 

Drop Only Form (Please use when only dropping courses)

Add Only Form (Please use when only adding courses)

Student Evaluation (Study Away Experience)

MSPE Release for Current Students

Independent Study- Fourth Year


Advisory Dean Emergency Pager: 970-7399
Duke Police Department: 684-2444
Emergency from Duke Phone: 911

Blood/Body Fluid Exposure Hotline: On Site 115, Off Site 684-8115(e.g. needle sticks)

Medical Student Exposure to Infectious and Environmental Hazards: