This is a brief explanation of the online registration process. Log into Duke Hub. The link is provided within the registration email. Verify that you have a registration appointment. From the dashboard, select enrollment. And then shopping card select the appropriate term from the drop down menu. select class information from the dashboard and then select the appropriate term. Students have the option to choose to use the simplified search function or the advanced class search. Either will work. The advance search can be completely done from the shopping cart by selecting the Add Class button on the top of the right side of the shopping cart. Md 4th year. 1st Eight weeks contain sections 41 and 42. Md. 4th Year. 2nd Eight weeks contain sections 43 and 44. Notice that the box is checked to the left of the Show Open classes only field. It is okay to uncheck the box if you find it helpful to do so. If you prefer to use a simple class search option under Class information, select the appropriate term and then enter the course. e.g., medicine, and then select Search Select the class and then select view sections. The green O status box indicates the course is open the red city indicates the course is closed. when you select When you select the section row, example 43-CLN, You will be provided with the course description listed under Information. If permission or consent is required to enroll, it will be noted at the end of the course information and it will look similar to the following. To add the course, please select the Add to Cart button at the bottom. important When you select Add to Cart, the following Enrollment Options box will appear. The box does not necessarily mean that the course requires a permission number to enroll. If the course requires a permission number added in the field provided. If the course does not require permission of the instruction Please select Save. If a course requires a clinician number to enroll, contact the course director or the contact listed in the course description to obtain the permission number. The Registrars office cannot provide permission numbers. After selecting Save, the course will be added to the shopping cart. It's time to validate. When validation opens, select and validate courses in your shopping cart. When you select, validate, you should receive. a message that the course is okay to add If there is a requirement missing, you will receive an error message. After validating and receiving the Ok to add message, you should be ready when registration opens to complete the enrollment process. Make sure that you are on the shopping cart page, then select the Enroll button after online registration opens. If you try to enroll before the online registration. window opens, you will receive an error message saying something similar to You do not have permission to enroll. That typically means that the online registration window has not yet opened. It does not necessarily mean that you have to have a permission number in order to enroll. Please verify the requirement in the course descriptions in DukeHub before registration opens. Included below is an example of a course that requires a permission number or consent to enroll. The course is Medicine for 401C. 401C. Below is what you would see when you select the course. You select the arrow to the left of the class, subject, course number, and section. The following is retrieved The class number. the career the session. The units or credit The grading basis for the course and the course description at the bottom. That's where you will see whether or not the add or drop consent is required. A few of the 4th year lectures do contain the drop consent requirement. If drop consent is required for email approval from the instructor at and we will process the draft request. our goals that you will find is information helpful, however, do not hesitate to contact school medicine registrar is opposite you have questions about online registration or we may be of assistance. Thank you.