Office for Faculty News

Announcing 2025 ALICE Cohort

The Office for Faculty presents the 2025 Academic Leadership, Innovation, and Collaborative Engagement (ALICE) participants.

Resources Available for 2024 New Faculty Orientation

On Tuesday, October 22, 202,4, and Wednesday, October 23, 2024, approximately 90 new SOM Faculty joined the Office for Faculty for the 2024 School of Medicine New Faculty Orientation.

The seminars presented targeted a variety of topics for faculty to become successful in their careers.

Topics included:

Mara Becker featured on centennial panel

Vice Dean for Faculty Mara Becker, MD, MSCE, was featured in a Duke Centennial panel “Women Leaders for a New Century” on October 24, 2024. The panel highlighted women leaders who are charting a course for Duke’s next century. A writeup of the event is available in the Duke Chronicle.

Registration open: Social media workshop for faculty

The Office for Faculty is partnering with the Office of Strategic Communications to provide School of Medicine faculty members with a hands-on opportunity to learn about effective and appropriate use of social media to advance a career in academic health. This 3-hour workshop will:

ALICE program to be featured in AAMC faculty development webinar

Associate Dean for Faculty Development Cary Ward, MD, will be one of three featured panelists in an upcoming AAMC Group on Faculty Affairs webinar "Innovative Programs for Mid-Career Faculty in Academic Medicine." The webinar will highlight best practices, successful initiatives, and the impact of programs on professional development, work-life balance, and career advancement. Dr.

Duke Clinical Leadership Program (DCLP) - Applications are open!

The Duke Clinical Leadership Program (DCLP) provides participants insights into health system operations and strategy, opportunities for networking and skill development, and application of concepts through project work, all of which expand leadership capacity within Duke Health.

LEADER 2025: Applications are open!

LEADER helps early career investigators build a leadership and management toolkit that empowers them to effectively build and inspire their team. Participants grow their interpersonal, communication, conflict, negotiation, and mentoring skills, while mapping a path to achieve individual career development goals.

Duration: 5-months, cohort-based