Welcome to DOCR
The Duke Office of Clinical Research (DOCR) is housed within the Duke University School of Medicine. DOCR provides navigation, tools, and training to support the conduct of clinical research in which Duke serves as an investigative site. DOCR is a consolidated group of research support professionals who are skilled in all aspects of clinical research, including study startup, database development, and project coordination.
During Fiscal Year 2024, Duke had approximately 2,080 active clinical research studies that were enrolling participants. Approximately 26,900 Duke patients were enrolled in at least one of those studies during the year, with a total of almost 30,000 participants enrolled during the year. Of those studies that were open to enrollment, 30% are funded by industry, 20% were funded by the NIH, NSF, or other federal sources, 4% were funded by foundations or other national sources, and 46% were funded internally.
DOCR Office Hours
Office hours are held virtually at the times listed below. Complete this survey to sign up.
- Tuesdays 10 AM
- Wednesdays 10 AM
- Thursdays 2 PM
- Fridays 10 AM
For resources regarding COVID-19 please click here.
DOCR Workforce Engagement & Resilience Program
Research Partnerships

ResearchMatch is an NIH-funded program that connects researchers with volunteers interested in participating in research studies. Duke research teams can register their IRB-approved studies, search for and message de-identified volunteers, and notify volunteers who seem like a good fit for your study. If the volunteer agrees to receive more information about your study, you will be matched and permitted to recruit them to participate.
Click here to contact DOCR for more information about ResearchMatch.

Clinical Trials For All is a noncommercial initiative to increase global clinical trial participation by educating patients and caregivers about the opportunities and advantages of research as care.
Click here for more information about ClinicalTrialsForAll.org.