SGT Pricing

*Prices as of July 30, 2024. Pricing is subject to change. Please visit SeqLIMS for up-to-date pricing. If you don’t see your library preparation of interest, please reach out to us. External academic clients may provide their own reagents for PacBio sequencing and can reach out to us to inquire about pricing and logistics. Potential industry partners can reach out to us to inquire about pricing.

We are a cost-recovery shared resource and do not make a profit on our services per Duke policy. Our price includes our facility fee for our services and the cost of consumables. Per Duke policy, there are no discounts on services.

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DNA-Sequencing Illumina Library Building Services



Duke Price

Non-Duke Price

DNA-Seq library with KAPA HyperPrep per sample
Tier 1: Price/sample 1-47





DNA-Seq library with KAPA HyperPrep per sample
Tier 2: Price/sample 48-N
LP-DNA-Seq $94 $153

Tagmentation library - full volume reaction for low DNA input
Tier 1: Price/sample 1-47





Tagmentation library - full volume reaction for low DNA input
Tier 2: Price/sample 48-N




Tagmentation library - 1/4 volume reaction for high DNA input
Tier 1: Price/sample 1-47
LP-DNA-TAG-Low $53 $87
Tagmentation library - 1/4 volume reaction for high DNA input
Tier 2: Price/sample 48-N
LP-DNA-TAG-Low $32 $52

IDT Human Exome (batches of 12 samples)
Tier 1: Price/sample 1-47




IDT Human Exome (batches of 12 samples)
Tier 2: Price/sample 48-N
LP-cap-hum-ex $129 $209
FFPE - DNA-Seq library with KAPA HyperPrep per specimen
Tier 1: Price/sample 1-47
LP-FFPE-DNA-Seq $206 $332
FFPE - DNA-Seq library with KAPA HyperPrep per specimen
Tier 2: Price/sample 48-N
LP-FFPE-DNA-Seq $163 $263

ChIP-seq/amplicon Library Preparation with KAPA HyperPrep per sample
Tier 1: Price/sample 1-47




ChIP-Seq/amplicon library with KAPA HyperPrep per specimen
Tier 2: Price/sample 48-N
LP-DNA-ChIP-amp $65 $79

Custom Capture Panels

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RNA-Sequencing Illumina Library Building Services



Duke Price

Non-Duke Price

mRNA-Seq library with Watchmaker per sample LP-mRNA-Seq $85 $137

mRNA-Seq library with KAPA HyperPrep per sample





mRNA-Seq library with Human Globin AnyDeplete per sample LP-RNA-Seq-glob $155 $251
Total RNA library with Ribo-Zero Plus (human, mouse, rat) per sample LP-RNA-total $151 $189

Total RNA library with Ribo-Zero Plus (human, mouse, rat) per sample





smRNA-Seq library per sample




Takara ultra-low-input RNA-Seq library with KAPA HyperPrep per sample




FFPE - Total RNA library with Ribo-Zero Plus per sample
Tier 1: Price/sample 1-47




FFPE - Total RNA library with Ribo-Zero Plus per sample
Tier 2: Price/sample 48-N
LP-FFPE-RNA-seq $191 $313

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Illumina Sequencing Services

Platform Flow Cell Read Length** Code Duke Price  Non-Duke Price
MiSeq v2 NANO 2 x 150 I-Mi-v2-n-150 $808 $1,088
  v2 NANO 2 x 250 I-Mi-v2-n-250 $886 $1,169
  v2 MICRO 2 x 150 I-Mi-v2-µ-150 $1,004 $1,293
  v2 1 x 50 I-Mi-v2-050-SR $1,500 $1,814
  v2 2 x 150 I-Mi-v2-150-SR $1,802 $2,131
  v2 2 x 250 I-Mi-v2-250-SR $1,973 $2.311
  v3 2 x 75 I-Mi-v3-075 $1,619 $1,939
  v3 2 x 300 I-Mi-v3-075 $2,439 $2,800
NextSeq 1000 XLEAP P1 2 x 50 I-NEXT-P1-X-100 $1,227 $1,533
  XLEAP P1 2 x 150 I-NEXT-P1-X-300 $1,535 $1,862
  XLEAP P1 2 x 300 I-NEXT-P1-X-600 $2,107 $2,457
  XLEAP P2 2 x 50 I-NEXT-P2-X-100 $1,637 $1,964
  XLEAP P2 2 x 100 I-NEXT-P2-X-200 $2,694 $3,073
  XLEAP P2 2 x 150 I-NEXT-P2-X-300 $3,430 $3,846
  XLEAP P2 2 x 300 I-NEXT-P2-X-600 $3,695 $4,124
NextSeq 1000 P1 2 x 50 I-Next-P1-050 $1,282 $ 1,567
  P1 2 x 100 I-Next-P1-100 $1,742 $2,074
  P1 2 x 150 I-Next-P1-150 $1,742 $2,074
  P1 2 x 300 I-Next-P1-300 $2,421 $2,787
  P2 2 x 50 I-Next-P2-050 $1,956 $2,299
  P2 2 x 100 I-Next-P2-100 $3,295 $3,704
  P2 2 x 150 I-Next-P2-150 $4,227 $4,683
NovaSeq X Plus 1.5B 2 x 50 I-X-1.5B-100 $2,589 $2,999
  1.5B 2 x 100 I-X-1.5B-200 $3,139 $13,576
  1.5B 2 x 150 I-X-1.5B-300 $3,359 $3,807
  1.5B Any Configuration*** I-X-1.5B-lane $1,929 $2,306
  10B 2 x 50 I-X-10B-100 $10,798 $13,012
  10B 2 x 100 I-X-10B-200 $12,888 $15,206
  10B 2 x 150 I-X-10B-300 $13,548 $15,899
  10B Any Configuration*** I-X-10B-Lane $1,8181 $2,188
  25B 2 x 150 I-X-25B-300 $22,832 $26,904
  25B Any Configuration*** I-X-25B-lane $2,872 $3,504

**default sequencing protocol; we can run custom sequencing protocols with purchase of full flow cell
***We can run custom read length protocols on NovaSeq X Plus lanes. Custom primers must be run on a full flow cell

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PacBio Library Building and Sequencing

Description Code Duke Price Non-Duke Price
HiFi library (large genomes > 200 MB) per sample PB-LP-HiFi $568 $916
HiFi library (small genomes < 200 MB) per sample PB-LP-HiFi-2 $157 $254
Kinnex 16S library per sample PB-LP-Kin-16S $946 $1,524
Kinnex single cell RNA library per sample PB-LP-MAS $946 $1,524
RNA library per sample PB-LP-RNA $683 $1,101
Revio SMRT cell 30 -hour sequencing PB-Rev-SMRT-30 $1,783 $2,396

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Extraction and Other Wet-Lab Services



Duke Price

Non-Duke Price

DNA extraction from PBMCs, buffy coat blood, or EDTA blood per specimen




HMW DNA extraction per specimen




RNA extraction from blood per specimen




RNA extraction from cell pellet per specimen




miRNA extraction from serum or plasma per specimen




Quantification (qPCR) per library




AMPure bead cleanup per library LP-X-rm-ad-dim $46 $75

Pooling for up to 12 client-made libraries




While we no longer offer QC only services, the Microbiome Core Facility does.  


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Description Code Duke Price
Free One-Hour Bioinformatics Consultation - over $450 value B-free-consult $0
Free One-Hour Bioinformatics Wrap-Up Meeting - Over $300 value B-free-wrap-up $0
Whole Exome Pipeline per Sample B-exome $207/sample for first 4 samples;
$10/additional sample
Whole Genome Pipeline per Sample B-genome

$207/sample for first 4 samples;
$10/additional sample

RNA-Seq Pipeline per Sample B-RNA-Seq $104/sample for first 6 samples;
$10/additional sample
ATAC-Seq/ChIP-Seq Pipeline per Sample B-ATAC-ChIP-Seq $227/sample for first 4 samples;
$10/additional sample
Methyl-Seq Pipeline per Sample


$227/sample for first 4 samples;
$10/additional sample
Mapping and Basic QC per Sample B-mapping-QC $161/sample for first 4 samples; 
$5/additional sample
Hourly Rate B-rate-60 $175
Quarter-Hourly Rat B-rate-15 $43.75

SoM CPU charges

B-CPU $0.02/Gb

***Not available outside of Duke

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