SGT Pricing

*Prices as of July 20, 2023. Pricing is subject to change. Please visit SeqLIMS for up-to-date pricing.

We are a cost-recovery shared resource and do not make a profit on our services per Duke policy. Our price includes our facility fee for our services and the cost of consumables. Per Duke policy, there are no discounts on services.

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DNA-Sequencing Illumina Library Building Services



Duke Price

Non-Duke Price

DNA-Seq with KAPA HyperPrep -- 1 sample





Tagmentation library build with Illumina DNA Prep 1/8 Rxn up to 16 samples





Tagmentation library build with Illumina DNA Prep Full Rxn -- 1 sample




IDT Human Exome up to 12 samples




Twist - Mouse whole exome - up to 16 samples




Methyl-Seq per sample




Twist Methylome up to 8 samples




ChIP-seq/Amplicon Library Preparation with KAPA HyperPrep - 1 sample




Custom Capture Panels

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RNA-Sequencing Illumina Library Building Services



Duke Price

Non-Duke Price

Illumina Stranded Total RNA Prep Ligation with Ribo-Zero Plus -- 1 sample





Stranded mRNA-Seq HyperPrep -- 1 sample LP-RNA-004 $91 $105.64
Qiagen UPXome Ultra Low Input RNA-Seq -- 1 sample LP-RNA-012 $139 $154

NuGEN mRNA-Seq with AnyDeplete Globin -- 1 sample





smRNA-seq -- 1 sample




COVID-Seq, 94 samples + 2 controls




TruSeq RNA Exome for up to 3 FFPE or degraded samples




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Illumina Sequencing Services

Platform Flow Cell Read Length** Code Duke Price  Non-Duke Price
MiSeq v2 2 x 25 I-S-100 $1,328 $1,551
  v2 1 x 50 I-S-110 $1,328 $1,551
  v2 2 x 150 I-S-120 $1,595 $1,821
  v2 2 x 250 I-S-130 $1,752 $1,975
  v2 Nano 2 x 150 I-S-150 $708 $931
  v2 Nano 2 x 250 I-S-170 $777 $1,000
  v2 Micro 2 x 150 I-S-180 $883 $1,106
  v3 2 x 75 I-S-160 $1,434 $1,657
  v3 2 x 300 I-S-140 $2,170 $2,393
NovaSeq 6000 S-Prime Full Flow Cell 2 x 50 I-S-7020 $3,040 $3,421
  S-Prime Full Flow Cell 2 x 100 I-S-7030 $3,789 $4,170
  S-Prime Full Flow Cell 2 x 150 I-S-7010 $4,077 $4,458
  S-Prime Full Flow Cell 2 x 250 I-S-7000 $5,458 $5,839
  S-Prime Lane 2 x 50 I-S-7025 $1,692 $1,882
  S-Prime Lane 2 x 100 I-S-7030-2 $2,067 $2,257
  S-Prime Lane 2 x 150 I-S-7015 $2,212 $2,402
  S-Prime Lane 2 x 250 I-S-7000-2 $2,905 $3,095
  S1 Full Flow Cell 2 x 50 I-S-6040 $5,225 $5,606
  S1 Full Flow Cell 2 x 100 I-S-6050 $6,206 $6,587
  S1 Full Flow Cell 2 x 150 I-S-6060 $6,667 $7,048
  S1 Lane 2 x 50 I-S-6070 $2,785 $2,975
  S1 Lane 2 x 100 I-S-6080 $3,276 $3,466
  S1 Lane 2 x 150 I-S-6090 $3,506 $3,696
  S2 Full Flow Cell 2 x 50 I-S-6000 $9,911 $10,866
  S2 Full Flow Cell 2 x 100 I-S-6020 $11,962 $12,881
  S2 Full Flow Cell 2 x 150 I-S-6010 $12,617 $13,572
  S2 Lane 2 x 50 I-S-6000-2 $5,128 $5,605
  S2 Lane 2 x 100 I-S-6020-2 $6,135 $6,612
  S2 Lane 2 x 150 I-S-6010-2 $6,481 $6,7958
  S4 Full Flow Cell 2 x 100 I-S-6100 $16,310 $17,183
  S4 Full Flow Cell 2 x 150 I-S-6030 $18,010 $18,883
  S4 Full Flow Cell 2 x 35 I-S-6035 $12,832 $13,705
  S4 Lane 2 x 100 I-S-6200 $4,250 $4,468
  S4 Lane 2 x 150 I-S-6001 $4,669 $4,887
NextSeq 1000 P1 2 x 50 I-S-1000-1 $1,282 $1,522
  P1 2 x 100 I-S-1000-2 $1,628 $1,868
  P1 2 x 150 I-S-1000-3 $1,628 $1,868
  P1 2 x 300 I-S-1000-4 $2,270 $2,510
  P2 2 x 50 I-S-1000-5 $1,830 $2,070
  P2 2 x 100 I-S-1000-6 $3,095 $3,335
  P2 2 x 150 I-S-1000-7 $3,967 $4,216
  P2 2 x 300 I-S-1000-8 $4,295 $4,535
NovaSeq X Plus 10B 2 x 50 I-S-X-10B-100 $8,900 $9,117
  10B 2 x 100 I-S-X-10B-200 $11,000 $11,217 
  10B 2 x 150 I-S-X-10B-300 $11,700 $11,917
  10B Lane Any Configuration*** I-S-X-10B-Lane $1,465 $1,492

**default sequencing protocol; we can run custom sequencing protocols with purchase of full flow cell
***We can run custom sequencing protocols on NovaSeq X Plus 10B lanes

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Sequencing with Oxford Nanopore Technologies & Tapestri



Duke Price

Non-Duke Price

ONT GridION library preparation and sequencing - 1 sample





ONT GridION barcoded library prep and sequencing (up to 8 samples)





ONT GridION Extra Flow Cell




Other ONT applications

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Tapestri single cell library preparation




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Extraction and Other Wet-Lab Services



Duke Price

Non-Duke Price

RNA extraction from PAXgene Blood Tube)




RNA extraction from pellets




miRNA extraction from serum/plasma




DNA extraction from PBMCs, Buffy coat or EDTA blood




RNA extraction from Nasal Swabs




Viral RNA extraction from Nasal Swabs (96)




Library AMPure Bead Clean-up -- 1 sample L-C-001 $30 $44.64

Pooling of up to 12 libraries for sequencing




HMW DNA Extraction using Circulomics SE-008 $69 $83.64
Illumina library quantification (qPCR) SP-006 $43 $51

While we no longer offer QC only services, the Microbiome Core Facility does.  


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Data Processing Services***

Description Code Duke Price
Bioinformatics Free 1 Hour Consultation (>$450 value) DP-06 $0
Bioinformatics Free 1 Hour Wrap-up Meeting (>$300 value) DP-20


RNA-Seq Pipeline Cost per Sample (first 6-10 samples) DP-07 $65
RNA-Seq Pipeline Cost per Sample (next 10+ samples) DP-08 $25
ATAC-Seq/ChIP-Seq Pipeline Cost per Sample (first 2-7 samples) DP-09 $110
ATAC-Seq/ChIP-Seq Pipeline Cost per Sample (next 8+ samples) DP-10 $40
Whole Genome Pipeline Cost per Sample (first 4 samples) DP-11 $130
Whole Genome Pipeline Cost per Sample (next 5+ samples0 DP-12 $55
Whole Exome Pipeline Cost per Sample (first 1-4 samples) DP-13 $100
Whole Exome Pipeline Cost per Sample (next 5+ samples) DP-14 $40
Methyl-Seq Pipeline Cost per Sample (first 2-7 samples) DP-15 $110
Methyl-Seq Pipeline Cost per Sample (next 8+ samples) DP-16 $40
Mapping and Basic QC Data Processing (first 6-19 samples) DP-17 $40
Mapping and Basic QC Data Processing (next 20+ samples) DP-18 $20
Hourly Rate DP-19 $159
Hourly Rate - 15 minute rate DP-21 $39.75

***Not available outside of Duke

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