Research and travel between Durham and Singapore happens year round. Check out our latest collaborations!
Biodiversity Medicine for Human Health and Wellness
The SingHealth Duke-NUS Institute of Biodiversity Medicine (BD-MED), a joint initiative by Singapore Health Services and Duke-NUS Medical School, aims to drive and accelerate biodiversity research that can promote all aspects of human health and wellness.
Crypts, Organoids and Cancer - the Journey of the Wnts
Virshup discussed recent findings from his lab including: structural insights into the dedicated proteins PORCN and WLS/ Evi in sending cells that acylate and deliver Wnts to the plasma membrane and more.
Few countries offer a good place to die: Duke-NUS, Duke
Researchers in Singapore and USA have developed a first-of-its-kind country ranking based on in-country experts’ ratings of the quality of palliative care services. The results reveal many countries have much room for improvement, including some high-income countries.