News & Events from the Office of Duke-NUS Affairs

Research and travel between Durham and Singapore happens year round. Check out our latest collaborations!

Duke-NUS Faculty Member Elected to AAP

Patrick Tan, MD, PhD, a professor and senior vice dean for research at Duke-Nus Medical School was honored with election to the Association of American Physicians (AAP) for 2024.

Small proteins play big role in cellular energy balance

Cellular structures called mitochondria depend on microproteins to assist and control the assembly of a protein chain that extracts energy from nutrients, according to a new study by scientists in Singapore.

Biodiversity Medicine for Human Health and Wellness

The SingHealth Duke-NUS Institute of Biodiversity Medicine (BD-MED), a joint initiative by Singapore Health Services and Duke-NUS Medical School, aims to drive and accelerate biodiversity research that can promote all aspects of human health and wellness.

Crypts, Organoids and Cancer - the Journey of the Wnts

Virshup discussed recent findings from his lab including: structural insights into the dedicated proteins PORCN and WLS/ Evi in sending cells that acylate and deliver Wnts to the plasma membrane and more.

Few countries offer a good place to die: Duke-NUS, Duke

Researchers in Singapore and USA have developed a first-of-its-kind country ranking based on in-country experts’ ratings of the quality of palliative care services. The results reveal many countries have much room for improvement, including some high-income countries.