Table Guidance

OBGE does not provide direct assistance with table compilation. However, we do aim to provide some guidance, collected with the help of programs who have had successful T32 submissions and renewals, to help you manage table data collection efficiently. Feel free to use and adapt these materials as

Table 1:

Template email to send to the business manager in each department that is represented by faculty in your training program. Include a list of participating faculty from that department where indicated in the template.

Table 2:

Template email with spreadsheet attachment to send to all training grant participating faculty.

Table 3:

A Reporting Tool (ART) in MyResearchHome houses a report listing all federal institutional research training grants and related support (T32, K12, and R25 grants, expanded training grants, and trainee-specific fellowship grants), including a list of all participating faculty in each grant.

To access to these reports, please take the following steps:

  • Email
  • Request access to the ITG group of ART (A Reporting Tool) in MyResearchHome
  • Explain that you are working on Table 3 of an NIH T32 grant and need access to reports that include information about Federal Institutional Research Training Grants and Related Support Available to Participating Faculty Members
  • If you are replacing a previous staff member who may have had access to this report, please request to remove their access from the report

Once you receive this information, we recommend that you confirm of accuracy of information with each T32 grant manager, director, or PI.

Table 4:

OBGE has worked with successful T32 departments and the SOM Finance Office to identify a consistent method for pulling the Table 4 data. This method is not required, but can serve as a guideline.

To find information about current support for all faculty:

  • In My Research Home, open the “Sponsored Effort” app in Grants (found in the myLinks widget under the RA Apps)
  • Choose Person by Person exporting for each participating faculty member; remove the excluded items (see Column C)
  • Compile a list of grant dollars by department and send to each department to confirm. The appropriate contact can be found in the Single Point of Contact list.
  • Have departments confirm the annuals (the table gives the full award amount for some awards); keep pending awards on the list

Table 5:

T3 has the capability to provide lists of publications for your all PhD students with T3 profiles. We recommend encouraging your students to update their publications, requesting the list of publications from T3, and supplementing with additional publications where you find missing data.

To request a publication export from T3, email

Table 6 (Predoc Part I and predoc Part II*):

Non-NIGMS submissions:

NIGMS submissions:

*Prior months of research experience available only from Summer 2020 forward

Table 8:

You may want to use GSF reporting for help in determining the source and type of support

  • For GSF reporting (to 2021), in the GSF tool, click on the “Reports” tab at the top of the left-hand menu, then click “Run GSF Reports”
    • To run an annual report of all students including non-trainees use Report 6 Actuals, Student Line Item (All)
    • To enter and receive annual information on each trainee one by one, run Report 5 Actuals Fund Cd Summary, Stdnt, (EMPLID required)

OBGE can provide a list of dissertation titles to indicate research topics for graduated students since 2020. Email