Alumni Statistics

Over the course of the last 15 years, Duke MSTP has seen 134 graduates, 94% of these graduates going onto residency programs. Of those that did not pursue clinical training, all remained engaged in a meaningful way in science, most in biomedical research. Of those graduates who did residencies, 79.4% completed or are serving residencies in hospitals ranked among the top ten in the 2021 US News & World Report Research Rankings, and the program's graduates populate the ranks of academic medical centers throughout the United States. The top residency fields selected include Internal Medicine, Radiation Oncology, Pathology, Pediatrics, and Anesthesiology.


Graph of MSTP graduates' residency institutions
Top 10 US News and World Report ranked Residency Institutions of Duke MSTP graduates from 2007-2021​​​


Residency fields of Duke MSTP graduates from 2007 through 2021


Forty-one of Duke MSTP's 372 alumni serve as faculty members at Duke

Kristen Batich Vaios, MD, PhD Neurosurgery Assistant Professor
Alexandra Bey, MD, PhD Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Assistant Professor
Gerard Blobe, MD, PhD Medicine - Oncology Professor
Evan Calabrese, MD, PhD Radiology Assistant Professor
Joseph Corless, MD, PhD Cell Biology Associate Professor Emeritus
Michael Datto, MD, PhD Pathology Associate Professor
Kafui Dzirasa, MD, PhD Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences K. Ranga Rama Krishnan Associate Professor
Christine Eyler, MD, PhD Radiation Oncology Medical Instructor
Peter Fecci, MD, PhD Neurosurgery Professor
Herbert Fuchs, MD, PhD Neurosurgery Professor
Stephanie Gaillard, MD, PhD Medicine Adjunct Assistant Professor
Sidney Gospe III, MD, PhD Ophthalmology Assistant Professor
Sidney Gospe, Jr, MD, PhD Pediatrics Adjunct Professor
Laura Hale, MD, PhD Pathology Professor
Allison Hall, MD, PhD Pathology Adjunct Associate Professor
Stephen Harward, MD, PhD Neurosurgery Assistant Professor
Caroline Haynes, MD, PhD Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Associate Professor Emeritus
James Herbert, MD, PhD Anesthesiology Assistant Professor
Christopher Holley, MD, PhD Medicine Associate Professor
David Howell, MD, PhD Pathology Professor
Claude Hughes, Jr., MD, PhD Obstetrics and Gynecology Consulting Professor
Virginia Lightner, MD, PhD Dermatology Assistant Consulting Professor
David Lobach, MD, PhD Family Medicine and Community Health Associate Consulting Professor
Giselle Lopez, MD, PhD Pathology Assistant Professor
John Madden, MD, PhD Pathology Associate Professor
Mary Markert, MD, PhD Pediatrics Professor Emeritus
John McManigle, MD, PhD Anesthesiology Assistant Professor
Niharika Mettu, MD, PhD Medicine Assistant Professor
Lawrence Ngo, MD, PhD Radiology Adjunct Associate
Mark Palmeri, MD, PhD Biomedical Engineering Professor
Dhavalkumar Patel, MD, PhD Medicine Associate Consulting Professor
Zachary Reitman, MD, PhD Radiation Oncology Assistant Professor
Timothy Robinson, MD, PhD Radiation Oncology Adjunct Assistant Professor
Alfred Sanfilippo, MD, PhD Pathology Adjunct Professor
Karen Scherr, MD, PhD Family Medicine and Community Health Clinical Associate
John Shelburne, MD, PhD Pathology Professor Emeritus
Thomas Van de Ven, MD, PhD Anesthesiology Associate Professor
Philip Walther, MD, PhD Surgery Professor
Richard Weiner, MD, PhD Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Professor Emeritus
Melodi Whitley, MD, PhD Dermatology Assistant Professor
Julius Wilder, MD, PhD Medicine Assistant Professor

Sixteen of Duke MSTP's 372 alumni are residents/house staff/affiliates at Duke

  • Alejandro Antonia, MD, PhD
  • Jeffrey Ashton, MD, PhD
  • Christopher Bassil, MD, PhD
  • Mark Chen, MD, PhD
  • Jamie Courtland, MD, PhD
  • Matthew Draelos, MD, PhD
  • Drake Edwards, MD, PhD
  • Michael Forrester, MD, PhD
  • Felix Jin, MD, PhD
  • Daniel Joh, MD, PhD
  • Aaditya Khatri, MD, PhD
  • Arvind Konkimalla, MD, PhD
  • Ryan Meyerhoff, MD, PhD
  • Ibtehaj (Janoo) Naqvi, MD, PhD
  • Amy Petty, MD, PhD
  • Ilia Shadrin, MD, PhD

If you are an alumnus of the Duke University Medical Scientist Training Program and would like to update information, please contact