Faculty Flexible Work Arrangements

A Flexible Work Arrangement (FWA) maintains the regular-rank status (and university benefits eligibility) of a regular-rank faculty member when the work schedule is reduced for an extended period. An FWA needs to be filed when work effort is being reduced to <70% and compensation is adjusted. Regular-rank faculty may request a Flexible Work Arrangement (FWA) for up to three years duration for certain life events. Eligible life events include retirement walk-down and extended personal health, adult care, and childcare needs.

Duke University FWA Policy – Faculty Handbook, Chapter 4: Professional Affairs of the Faculty
Duke Faculty Affairs Administration – Faculty Time Away, Flexible Work Arrangements

Procedure for submission and approval of faculty Flexible Work Arrangement

  • Faculty member downloads and completes the Flexible Work Arrangement form
  • A Memorandum of Understanding between the faculty member and the Department Chair (or if applicable, the Dean) must be authored and submitted with the FWA request. The MOU is to detail the agreed upon modification in duties, % of effort reduction (e.g., 100% to 75%), and salary.
  • If any portion of salary is supported by sponsored funds please check the appropriate block on the form. 
  • Flexible Work Arrangement form is signed by Faculty and Chair.
  • Department dFac user uploads the Flexible Work Arrangement form into the attachment section of the Flexible Work Arrangement dFac form. 
  • APT office obtains the approvals of the Dean. 
  • The APT office approves the dFac form.
  • The APT office notifies the faculty member, Chair and Department Manager of approval. 
  • Department submits an “Out of Cycle & Anticipated Salary, Effort and/or Appointment % (SEA) Change Form" with letter to faculty member noting schedule adjustment in Flexible Work Arrangement form and associated Appointment Salary change.
  • Once approval is received, the department processes a rate and schedule iForm to adjust the salary and effort.