A Flexible Work Arrangement (FWA) maintains the regular-rank status (and university benefits eligibility) of a regular-rank faculty member when the work schedule is reduced for an extended period. A FWA needs to be filed when work effort (inclusive of VA eighths time) is being reduced to <70% and compensation needs to be adjusted. Regular-rank faculty may request a Flexible Work Arrangement (FWA) for up to three years duration for certain life events. Eligible life events include retirement walk-down and extended personal health, adult care, and childcare needs.
Duke University FWA Policy – Faculty Handbook, Chapter 4: Professional Affairs of the Faculty
Duke Faculty Affairs Administration – Faculty Time Away, Flexible Work Arrangements
Procedure for submission and approval of faculty Flexible Work Arrangement
- Faculty member downloads and completes the Flexible Work Arrangement and Memorandum of Understanding form. The MOU section details the agreed upon modification in duties, % of effort reduction (e.g., 100% to 65%), and salary.
- If any portion of salary is supported by sponsored funds, please check the appropriate block on the form.
- The Flexible Work Arrangement (FWA) and Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) form is signed by the faculty member and the Chair.
- Department dFac user uploads the FWA and MOU form into the attachment section of the Flexible Work Arrangement dFac form with salary details redacted.
- APT office obtains the approval of the Dean.
- The APT office approves the dFac form.
- The APT office notifies the faculty member, Chair, and Department Manager of approval.
- Department submits an “Out of Cycle & Anticipated Salary, Effort and/or Appointment % (SEA) Change Form" with letter to faculty member noting schedule adjustment in Flexible Work Arrangement form and associated Appointment Salary change.
- Once approval is received, the department processes a rate and schedule iForm to adjust the salary and effort.