Routing Schedule for Basic Science Appointments

Process documents for the ranks below should follow the required formatting found on the Provost Office APT site.

Formatting the Basic Science Dossier

  • Appointments with Tenure
  • Award of tenure to Associate Professor without tenure
  • Promotion to Associate Professor with tenure for current Assistant Professors
  • Promotion to Full Professor for tenured Associate Professors

An original organized in a notebook with tabs and one CD or duke box in PDF format of the dossier using the order specified from the Provost link should be submitted to the APT office.

Tenure Eligible reports showing latest Tenure notification dates can be executed through the Reports Section of dFac:

  • From the dFac Menu Bar, click Reports
  • Choose Tenure Eligible report
  • Click Execute button.

Deadlines for submission are as follows:

The Provost committee does not meet during the summer months. Therefore, latest tenure notification (LTND) dates should be reviewed and submissions should be at least 6 months prior to the LTND to allow for SOM APT office review and Provost APT committee review. 

For example:

  1. Started on the tenure track as Assistant professor on 9/1/2012.
  2. LTND 8/31/2019 (must be notified by the end of 7th year)
  3. BOT June 2019 (July BOT is always cancelled)
  4. Provost Committee (early spring, let’s say, April/May 2019 ---remember they do not meet during summer months)
  5. MCEC for information (March/April 2019)


Deadlines for Dossiers to the School of Medicine APT office:

It is recommended that you submit your dossier to the School of Medicine APT office at least three months or more prior to the dates listed below in order for your dossier to be scheduled and reviewed at the Basic Science APT committee above.

Deadlines for Dossiers to the Provost's Office:

By September 1:
For Candidates (if any) for two-year (or longer) reappointment with contracts effectiveJanuary 1 or ending December 31

By September 15:
For Current tenure-track faculty being considered for tenure effective Jan/Feb/Mar/Apr/May
For Candidates from outside searches for appointments with tenure effective Jan/Feb/Mar/Apr/May

By November 1 for:
Current faculty with tenure being considered for promotion to Full Professor effective July 1 or later

By December 1 for:
Current tenure-track faculty being considered for tenure effective June/July/Aug/Sept/Oct/Nov

By March 1 for:
Candidates (if any) for two-year (or longer) reappointment with contracts effective July 1 or ending June 30

By March 15 for:
External candidates identified through a search process for appointment with tenure effective in fall semester

By April 15 for:
Internal candidates with outside offers effective in fall semester

By May 1 for:
Candidates (if any) for two-year (or longer) reappointment with contracts effective September 1 or ending August 31

Tenure Eligible reports showing latest Tenure notification dates  can be executed through the Reports Section of dFac:

  • From the dFac Menu Bar, click Reports
  • Choose Tenure Eligible report
  • Click Execute button.