The Duke Medical Alumni Association (DMAA) is based on the common bond of being educated at Duke. Its mission is to foster and maintain mutually beneficial relationships between Duke and medical alumni. Duke trainees and fellows are valuable DMAA members and eligible for all DMAA benefits and services.
The DMAA in partnership with the Graduate Medical Education (GME) office offers programming, networking opportunities, and events for current trainees (interns, residents, and fellows).
DMAA supported trainee programming includes:
DukeMed Hoops Watch

The Duke Medical Alumni Association invites: physical therapy (PT) alumni, physician assistant (PA) alumni, recent medical (MD) alumni & current trainees (interns, residents, fellows) to cheer the Blue Devils on to victory over our Tar Heel neighbors!
Saturday, March 9 at 6:00pm
(game starts at 6:30pm)
Tobacco Road Sports Cafe
280 S. Mangum Street
Durham, NC 27701
Complimentary appetizers and one drink ticket provided per person.
Jennifer Turner
Senior Associate Director
Alumni and Regional Engagement
(919) 385-3163
e-HOST program
The Duke Medical Alumni Association is pleased to offer assistance to those trainees interviewing for fellowships. DMAA can help make connections with current residents and alumni physicians to ask questions about specialties, regions, and institutions they are interested in interviewing with by offering phone or virtual conversations (via Zoom) with Duke School of Medicine alumni nationwide.