Service centers provide scientific services and instrument access on a fee-for-service basis. Service centers with an asterisk (*) may be found in CoreResearch@Duke. Facilities that may be of interest but are not service centers are noted as “other Duke resources.”
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
*Accessioning Unit Core (DHVI)
Advanced Light Imaging and Spectroscopy Facility (ALIS) (Physics)
*Analytics Center of Excellence (ACE) Service Center
*Behavioral Health and Survey Research Core (DCI)
Bioinformatics Shared Resource (DCI) (other Duke resources)
*Biomarkers Core Facility (DMPI)
*Biomolecular Interaction Analysis Core (DHVI)
*BioRepository & Precision Pathology Center (DCI/Pathology)
*BioSight Service Center and Repository (Ophthalmology)
Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design (BERD) Methods Core (CTSI/Biostats & Bioinformatics) (other Duke resources)
Biostatistics Shared Resource (DCI) (other Duke resources)
Bluesmith Professional 3D Printing Service
Brain Imaging and Analysis Center (BIAC)
*Brain Stimulation Research Center (Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences)
Bryan Brain Bank and Biorepository (ADRC/Neurology) (other Duke resources)
Carl E. Ravin Advanced Imaging Laboratory (other Duke resources)
*Center for Advanced Magnetic Resonance Development (Radiology)
*Center for Electron Microscopy and Nanoscale Technology (Pathology)
*Center for In Vivo Microscopy (Radiology)
Clinical Core Facility (CFAR) (other Duke resources)
CTSI MURDOCK Study (other Duke resources)
*DCI Flow Cytometry Core (Immunobiology/DCI)
DOCR Service Center/Research @Pickett (DOCR)
Duke Early Phase Research Unit (DEPRU) (DOCR)
DNA Analysis Facility (Immunobiology)
*Duke Cardiovascular Research Center (Cardiology)
Duke Clinical Research Institute Trial Services (DCRI) (other Duke resources)
* Duke HIV Database (Infectious Disease)
*Duke Immune Profiling Core (DIPC/DCI)
*Duke NMR Spectroscopy Center (Radiology)
*Duke Transgenic Mouse Core (DCI /DLAR)
*Flow Cytometry Facility (DHVI)
*Functional Genomics Core Facility (MGM)
Gene Therapy Resource Core (coming soon)
*GMP Lab Facility (CTSI CT2 Program)
*Hemostasis & Thrombosis Center Core Lab (Hematology)
*Human Performance Lab (K-Lab) (Orthopaedic Surgery)
*Human Physiology Testing Core (DMPI)
*Immunology Core Facility (CFAR)
*Immunology Virology Quality Assessment Core Laboratory (DHVI)
*Life Science Facility (Immunobiology)
*Light Microscopy Core Facility (Biology / DCI)
*Microbiome Core Facility (MGM)
*Molecular Genomics Core (DMPI)
*Mouse Behavioral and Neuroendocrine Core Facility (DLAR)
*OneDukebio Integrated biospecimen Network (ODIN)
*Optical Molecular Imaging and Analysis Service Center (DCI/Radiation Oncology)
*Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics (PK/PD) (DCI)
PhotoPath (Pathology) (other Duke resources)
*PopHealth DataShare (Population Health Sciences)
*Positron Imaging Research Lab (PIRL) (Radiology)
*Protected Analytics Computing Environment (PACE) Service Center (OASIS)
*Protein Production Facility (DHVI)
Proteomics and Metabolomics Core Facility (SOM/DCI)
Quantitative Sciences Core (CFAR) (other Duke resources)
*RBL: Animal Support (DHVI)
*RBL: Containment Labs (DHVI)
*RBL: Immunology Service Center (DHVI)
*RBL: Microbiology Unit (DHVI)
*RBL: Virology Unit (DHVI)
*Regeneromics Service Center (DRC/Cell Biology)
*Research Animal Pathology Core (DLAR) (other Duke resources)
Research Informatics Service Center (DMPI) (other Duke resources)
*Rodent Inhalation Core (Pulmonary)
Sequencing & Genomic Technologies Core (SOM/DCI)
*Shared Materials Instrumentation Facility (SMIF) (Engineering)
*Small Animal Irradiator Service Center (Radiation Oncology)
Small Molecule Synthesis Facility (Chemistry)
Social and Behavioral Sciences Core Facility (CFAR) (other Duke resources)
*Substrate Services Core & Research Support (SSCRSS) (Surgery)
*Translational PET/CT Molecular Imaging Center (Radiology)
*Xenon MRI Service Center (Radiology)