Meeting the Needs of Research and Education

The School’s 2017 review of the organization and alignment of data science and IT stressed the need for a “One Duke” approach to both leadership of those efforts and resources allocated to them. The School established a governance structure to ensure voices from all its key activities – education; basic, translational, and clinical research; and administration of that research – are heard and that specific IT needs are addressed.
The School’s IT Leadership Committee determines strategy and priorities informed by four IT Councils – Medical Education, Basic Science and Translational Research, Clinical and Population Health Research, and Research Administration. The IT Councils also determine tactical priorities and monitor the quality of execution as they interact with the Chief Academic Information Officer (CAIO). The CAIO brings to bear resources from Duke Health Technology Solutions as well as School- and University-based capacity to deliver needed service and expertise.
School of Medicine IT Leadership Committee
Ebony Boulware, MD, Vice Dean for Translational Sciences
Edward Buckley, MD, Vice Dean for Education
Rob Califf, MD, Vice Chancellor
Larry Carin, PhD, Vice Provost for Research
Lesley Curtis, PhD, Chair of Population Health Sciences
Colin Duckett, PhD, Vice Dean for Basic Science
Jeffrey Ferranti, MD, Duke Health Vice President and Chief Information Officer
Tracy Futhey, MS, Vice President for IT
Scott Gibson, MBA, Executive Vice Dean for Administration
Adrian Hernandez, MD, Vice Dean for Clinical Research
Warren Kibbe, PhD, Department of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics
Allan Kirk, MD, Chief of Surgery
Mary E. Klotman, MD, Dean
Walter Kwiatek, MS, Chief Academic Information Officer
Stephen Lisberger, PhD, Chair of Neurobiology
Michael Pencina, PhD, Vice Dean for Data Science and IT
Joseph Rogers, MD, Chief Medical Officer
Medical Education IT Council
Kathy Andolsek, MD, Department of Community and Family Medicine
Charles Ball, Dean’s Office
Jacqueline Barnett, DHSc, Physician Assistant Program
Edward Buckley, MD, Vice Dean for Education
Alison Clay, MD, Department of Surgery
Derek Clewley, DPT, Department of Physical Therapy
Deborah Engle, EdD, Office of Curricular Affairs
Tracy Futhey, MS, Vice President for IT
Colleen Grochowski, PhD, Associate Dean for Curricular Affairs
Walter Kwiatek, MS, Chief Academic Information Officer
Andrea Liu, Assistant Dean of Admissions
Stacey McCorison, MBA, Associate Dean for Medical Education Administration
Diana McNeill, MD, Department of Medicine
Michael Pencina, PhD, Vice Dean for Data Science and IT
Matt Sparks, MD, Department of Medicine
David Turner, MD, Department of Pediatrics
Matt Velkey, PhD, Assistant Dean for Basic Science Education
Amy Ward, MA, Office of Curricular Affairs