Duke / Duke-NUS Research Collaboration Pilot Projects
Duke University and Duke-NUS Medical School (Duke-NUS) announce calls for proposals for collaborative research pilot projects between faculty at Duke with those based at Duke-NUS or SingHealth. The ultimate goal of this program is the development of international research teams that advance translational and clinical research, including research on medical technologies. Translational research is defined as research with an aim towards human application. Specific areas of focus for Duke-NUS and its Academic Medicine partner, SingHealth, are cancer, neuroscience, cardiometabolic disorders, infectious diseases, inflammation and immunology, eye diseases, health services research, and medical technologies/bioengineering.
If you are a Duke faculty member and would be interesting in reviewing pilot project submissions for us, please click here.
Using Duke faculty as reviewers, Sing Health provides a scientific pre-review prior to the formal proposal submission to various Singapore Government funding entities.
If you are a Duke faculty member and would be interesting in reviewing for us, please click here.
Duke and Duke-NUS Medical School Singapore Collaborative Research Initiative
The Post Doc Exchange Program is for PhD graduate students and postdoctoral fellows at Duke University School of Medicine and Duke-NUS Medical School Singapore (Duke-NUS) for a cross-institutional research exchange program. This program provides exciting opportunities to conduct research abroad, broaden research training and experience different research environments and cultures.
Duke/Duke-NUS Research Collaborations

Research programs at Duke University, which span the biological sciences and biomedical to clinical sciences:
Duke University Medical School Basic Sciences Research
Trinity College of Arts and Sciences (Natural Science)
Biomedical PhD Programs (Office of Biomedical Graduate Education)
Research programs at Duke-NUS, which span from basic biomedical, quantitative to clinical sciences:
Research at Duke-NUS
Centre for Quantitative Medicine
Centre for Computation Biology
Academic Clinical Programmes
SingHealth Duke-NUS Academic Medical Centre Research
The SingHealth Duke-NUS Academic Medical Centre (AMC) draws on the collective strengths of SingHealth and Duke-NUS Medical School to drive the transformation of healthcare and provide affordable, accessible and quality care to patients. It boasts of a network of acute hospitals, national specialty centres, community hospitals and polyclinics offering over 40 clinical specialties, as well as a talent pool of doctors, nurses, allied health professionals, researchers, educators, faculty members and administrators.