Le Well HPE Upcoming Events

The connection between arts and well-being, which has been recognized since the very first Le Well Wednesday Wellness Workshop in partnership with Duke Arts Create in January 2024, is gaining traction - and evidence! According to a recent article in the Guardian, "Professor Daisy Fancourt, the director of the WHO center and is also a co-author of the research, said it had shown that “arts engagement has diverse and tangible effects on health, from supporting cognitive development and protecting against cognitive decline, to reducing symptoms of mental illness and enhancing well-being..." What better reason to check out Le Well’s weekly Wednesday workshops!!? Duke Arts Create offers workshops twice monthly, and we also hope students will propose workshop ideas and partner with Le Well to implement!  


Le Well News

LE WELL: Lunar New Year in Collaboration with DukeMed Chinese

Happy Lunar New Year of the Snake logo

Le Well was excited to kick off the Lunar New Year with a celebration replete with boba tea and dumplings along with festive decorations, music, paper-cutting and education courtesy of Joy Xiao (DKU ’23, DPT ’26), Vivian Apple (T ’26) and me

Say the Hard Things: An Evening with Bestselling Author Jessica Lahey in Recognition of Suicide Prevention Month

Bestselling author Jessica Lahey spoke to a group of students, staff and faculty interested in wellbeing on September 26, 2024, toward the end of National Suicide Prevention Month.  Espousing a “deep disdain for euphemisms,” Lahey spent an hour sharing her own personal experiences – ranging from growing up in the secrecy of a family afflicted by disordered alcohol use to confronting her own alcohol use disorder to challenging implicit and explicit consider

LE WELL: Basics of Massage, 9/4/2024

When second-year MD program student Lindsay Riley learned that MD program administrative coordinator Kamara Carpenter not only runs a tight ship with respect to compliance, clinical education and community-building but also is a certified massage therapist with over 20 years of experience, she had an idea. Noting that she had tried in her previous institution to create a massage interest group to receive instruction from local massage therapists, Riley approached Le Well’s Dr.

Popsicles and Puppies at the PA Program 5/29/2024

Students had just returned from a week-long break and the long holiday weekend, and they were seriously busy studying for an exam the next day.  Nevertheless, the arrival of Locopops and a friendly dog (courtesy of Pet Partners, whose organizer and champion Judi came through with her lovely dog) were met with enthusiastic and gracious students, faculty (and another lovely dog and adorable children!) and staff at the PA Program Building.