Feature Story
In Varied Roles, Duke Physician Assistant Program Alumni Answered the Call During the Pandemic
Our feature story profiles alumni Alex Steele, MHS, PA-C ('02); Josh Gay, MHS, PA-C ('12); Chad Eventide, MHS, PA-C ('11): Minh Nguyen, MHS, PA-C ('13); and Susan Edgman-Levitan, PA ('77) and the tireless work they have provided to their patients and communities over the past year.

Alumni News
News From Alumni: Read updates from your classmates
In Memoriam: We honor the alumni we have lost
Congratulations to Our Newest Colleagues: The Class of 2020
The Duke Physician Assistant Program held its graduation and certificate ceremony on Aug. 21, 2020, with a live-streamed ceremony and drive-through graduation event. Read more about the celebrations held for the Class of 2020. Read the Story
Program News
Program Director's Corner: Jacqueline S. Barnett, DHSc, MSHS, PA-C, shares about leading the program during the past year
Veteran's Corner: James E. Hill, Jr., MEd, PA-Emeritus, DFAAPA (76) shares his perspective
Duke Physician Assistant Program Adapts to Changes Overnight, Continues to Innovate During COVID-19
At the Duke Physician Assistant Program, leaders are leaning into challenges while looking for opportunities to re-imagine the structure of students’ education, not just for the immediate crisis, but for the future. Read More.
Physician Assistant Division Name Changes to Division of PA Studies; PA Initiatives, Programs Will Expand
On Sept. 1, 2020, the name of the PA Division in the Department of Family Medicine & Community Health changed to Division of PA Studies. Division Chief Patricia McKelvey Dieter, MPA, PA-C, professor, says this change more accurately reflects the expansion of programs and the variety of work done within the division. “It also reflects the growth of the PA concept nationally, internationally, and within Duke Health, and it more accurately describes the role of the division in studying PA education, practice, and research,” Dieter says. Read more.
Research & Scholarship News
The Duke PA Research Group continues to support research by Division of PA Studies faculty and promotes collaborative relationships with scholars in the Department of Family Medicine and Community Health, the university at large, the health services research and health policy fields, and the national and international PA communities. To see journal articles published by Duke Physician Assistant Program faculty, visit the department Publication page, filter by Division, and select “Duke Physician Assistant Program.” Learn more about the Duke PA Research Group
Student News
Duke PA Students Served on the Front Lines
Last spring, the Duke Physician Assistant Program partnered with the Durham County Department of Public Health to create a community health elective that put clinical-year PA students to work on the front lines of the local COVID-19 response. And this winter when Duke put out the call for volunteers to help at local vaccination clinics, more than 50 PA students volunteered.
10 PA Students Selected to Receive Scholarships to Train in Underserved Communities
Student Profile: Stead Society President Shelby Neil
Student Perspective: Diversity Chair Mariah Leroux
Contributions to the Scholarship Fund
About the PA Alumni Magazine
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