EDI Spotlight: Kunoor Jain-Spangler, MD

Our EDI leaders are a group of more than 50 leaders in Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion across the School of Medicine. For our first “Spotlight” interview with one of these leaders, we spoke with the Department of Surgery’s Kunoor Jain-Spangler MD, who helped launch the Sustaining Equity, Elevating Diversity in Surgery (SEEDS) initiative late last year. She shares challenges and opportunities she sees for SEEDS, how experience as a woman of color informs her work, and how she likes spending her time when she’s not at Duke.

Equity Matters Newsletter

Equity Matters

Equity Matters, formerly Inclusion Matters, is a free email newsletter summarizing the latest news, events, funding opportunities, and resources relating to diversity, equity, and inclusion within the Duke University School of Medicine.

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