Proteomics and Metabolomics Pricing

Pricing For Core Service Support for Duke and Non-Duke Scientists

Note: Scientific collaborations with academic, government, and non-profit laboratories outside Duke are welcome. Contact us for details. 

Please note: Prices below are based on an a-la-carte menu of services to maximize flexibility in experimental designs and comply with auditing regulations. Most analyses will require combinations of these services. Please see the FAQs for additional information. All prices are effective July 1, 2024.

Sample Preparation (Proteomics)

  Duke Non-Duke
Mini-Bradford Assay (per plate, 20 samples max) $45 $72
   - NOTE - Bradford Assays required for all solution phase analyses    
General Sample Preparation - Proteomics (cost per method) $63 $101
           In-Solution Digestion*    
            FFPE Protein Extraction    
           In-situ/bead-bound digestion    
Tissue Disruption/Lysis and Protein Extraction (RapiGest, Urea,TriZol, or Bead Blasting)        $28 $45
In-Gel Digestion (per spot or band)* $66 $106
S-trap Digestion $95 $153
Sample Cleanup Procedures (cost per method) $47 $76
            Solid Phase Extraction (C18, HLB, MCX)    
            Buffer exchange by ZebaSpin    
            Protein Precipitation and Resuspension    
            Biotin-Avidin enrichment    
Amicon MW Cutoff Filtration $66 $106
TiO2 enrichment for phosphopeptides $60 $97
1D PAGE Gel Separation (Protein Level) $142 $229
Offline Fractionation (high pH C18) $225 $362
Antibody-Based Enrichment (not including antibody reagent costs) $77 $124
*Additional reagents charge for digestions with enzymes other than Trypsin* Contact Contact


Sample Preparation (Metabolomics)

  Duke Non-Duke
MeOH Precipitation with Internal Standards - Biofluids included included
Solid Sample Solubilization (Cells, Tumor) by Bead Blasting, Probe Sonication, or Tissue Tearing $28 $45
Mini-Bradford Assay (per plate, 20 samples max) $45 $72
  -NOTE - this is used to normalize to total biomass    
Specialized Per-Sample Preparation for Specific Assays is Included in the Cost/Sample n/a n/a
Pharmacokinetics Plate Prep (biofluids) $77 $124


Qualitative Analyses (Proteomics)

  Duke Non-Duke
LC-MS/MS analysis (high throughput - fast gradient) $109 $175
LC-MS/MS analysis (medium complexity) $220 $354
LC-MS/MS analysis (deep coverage) $258 $415
Molecular Weight Determination (per sample) $82 $132
         MW Setup Fee (per order) $178 $287
ZipChip Profiling Method $82 $132

Quantitative Analyses, Unbiased (Proteomics)

  Duke Non-Duke
LC-MS/MS Differential Expression (per sample), high throughput $109 $175
LC-MS/MS Differential Expression (per sample), medium complexity $287 $462
LC-MS/MS Differential Expression (per sample), deep coverage $351 $565
Quantitative 1D Workup - Proteome Discoverer, Spectronaut (analysis per sample) $77 $124


Quantitative Analysis (Metabolomics)

All prices are on a per-sample basis.

  Duke Non-Duke
Acylcarnitines analysis** $30 $48
AbsoluteIDQ p180 Panel (kit from Biocrates, Inc.)* $62 $100
MxP Quant 500 Panel (kit from Biocrates, Inc.)* $90 $145
Bile Acids Panel (kit from Biocrates, Inc.)* $43 $69
Oxylipins/Eicosanoid Panel** $157 $253
Methionine Pathway Panel** $98 $158
Hydroxycholesterols Panel** $136 $219
27-Hydroxycholesterol quantitation** $91 $147
Fatty Acids Panel** $82 $132
Fast HR Metabolite Profiling (RPLC OR HILIC, ESI+ OR ESI-) $177


High Resolution Lipid Profiling, ESI+ and ESI- $321 $517
PK Analysis - method development Contact Contact
     per sample with in-house developed method** $36 $58
Short Chain Fatty Acids Analysis** $79 $127
Sphingosine S1P Panel** $55 $89
ZipChip Profiling Method $82 $132
Neurotransmitter Panel** $80 $129
Nucleosides** $62 $100

*These assays require additional purchase of kit consumables from Biocrates, Inc. Negotiated prices may vary significantly depending on the number of samples to be analyzed.

**These assays will incur an extra charge for running a standard curve, quality control injections, and blanks.


Data Analysis

  Duke Non-Duke
Custom Database Setup for MASCOT or Identify $27 $43
Additional Database Searches $34 $55
Consulting and Extensive Data Mining (per hour) $77 $124

For additional pricing examples for your particular study, contact us.